
High-speed electronics provider

Elesar designs all kinds of high speed electronics, and the software used to drive them, from their base in Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

By and large most projects are business to business relationships, customising existing designs, or creating something unique to match a specific customer's requirements. However, some of the designs are put on general release - you can buy those direct from the shop, which also serves as a useful illustration of the sorts of design that keep us busy day to day.

ARM-basierte Prozessoren
AM5706 Sitara-Prozessor: kostenoptimierter Arm Cortex-A15 und DSP mit Secure Boot AM5708 Sitara-Prozessor: kostenoptimierter Arm Cortex-A15 und DSP, Multimedia und Secure Boot AM5716 Sitara-Prozessor: Arm Cortex-A15 und DSP AM5718 Sitara-Prozessor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP, Multimedia AM5726 Sitara-Prozessor: Dual-Arm Cortex-A15 und Dual-DSP AM5728 Sitara-Prozessor: Dual Arm Cortex-A15 und Dual-DSP, Multimedia AM5746 Sitara-Prozessor: Dual ARM Cortex-A15 und Dual DSP, ECC auf DDR und Secure Boot AM5748 Sitara-Prozessor: Dual ARM Cortex-A15 und Dual DSP, Multimedia, ECC auf DDR und Secure Boot AM5749 Sitara-Prozessor: Dual Arm Cortex-A15 und Dual DSP, Multimedia, ECC DDR, Secure Boot, Deep Learning
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Evaluierungsplatine
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Nordamerika
  • Future Business Centre
  • King's Hedges Road
  • Cambridge, CB4 2HY




Elesar designs, builds, and sells Arm® Cortex™ based circuit boards and their accompanying software. These enable integrators to race ahead of the pack by not having to start from a blank page when choosing to design in a TI processor device. With Elesar's specialism in the Arm (...)

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