Engicam s.r.l.

System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services

ENGICAM is focused on designing, developing, and producing high-performance embedded computing products focused on the following core principles:

Longevity: All modules have a guaranteed long-term production availability, up to 15 years from CPU launch.

Smallest form factor: For easy integration, modules are designed and developed taking care to minimize the form factor.

Robustness: Engicam modules are proven in hundreds of different applications under extremely hard thermal and mechanical operating conditions.

Scalability: The majority of Engicam modules are available in SODIMM, MicroGEA, or SMARC formats and are mutually compatible for a complete scalability.

ARM-basierte Prozessoren
AM623 Internet der Dinge (IoT) und Gateway-SoC mit Objekt- und Gestenerkennung auf Basis von Arm® Cortex®- AM625 SoC für Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion mit Arm® Cortex®-A53-basierter Edge-KI und Full-HD-Dual-Display
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Evaluierungsplatine
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Afrika
  • China
  • Europa
  • Indien
  • Japan
  • Nordamerika
  • Ozeanien
  • Rest Asiens
  • Südamerika
  • Via dei Pratoni, 16
  • 50018 Scandicci (Florence) Italy
  • Florence, 50018



ENGCM-3P-ICORE-AM62X — Engicam i.Core-AM62x SO-DIMM system on module for AM623 and AM625 Arm Cortex-A53 1.4-GHz processors

The new i.Core AM62x system on module is based on the AM623 and AM625 processor device families, and the module is equipped to optimally take advantage of the 1-4 Arm® Cortex®-A53 CPU cores at up to 1.4-GHz and Cortex-M4F MCU co-processor at up to 400MHz. The cost-optimized module will (...)


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