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Forlinx Embedded Tech. Co., Ltd
System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services
Forlinx Embedded Technology is a well-established and constantly growing company, focused on designing, developing and manufacturing embedded systems solutions. Since 2007, Forlinx has committed to provide user-friendly, cost-efficient, stable and advanced embedded solutions which are based on ARM architecture and offers a variety of platforms including SOMs (system-on-module), SBCs (single board computer) and industrial embedded PCs with global logistics support.
In order to bring customers the outstanding quality and highly stable performance, Forlinx established the stringent standards in each step of development, and have the high and low temperature laboratory, EMC laboratory and other specialized instruments for full functional testing.
Forlinx strictly practices ISO9001 quality management standard and implements MES system to achieve high productivity and ensure responsiveness to market demand.With the advanced production technique and automatic production line, Forlinx have the ability to produce several million pieces of SoMs per year.
Additionally, Forlinx provides one-stop customization service including BSP tailoring, software and hardware design, mechanical design and integration, which will help customers to reduce product cost and speed up their products to market.
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FORLX-3P-FET6254-C — Forlinx® FET6254-C System-on-Module für AM62x Quad Arm®-Cortex-®-A53 1,4-GHz-Prozessor
Die Forlinx Embedded Technology konzentriert sich auf die Konzeption, Entwicklung und Herstellung von Lösungen für eingebettete Systeme. Seit 2007 hat sich Forlinx der Bereitstellung von benutzerfreundlichen, kosteneffizienten, stabilen und fortschrittlichen eingebetteten Lösungen verschrieben, die (...)