
Technology and semiconductor company that primarily supplies programmable logic devices.

Xilinx develops highly flexible and adaptive processing platforms that enable rapid innovation across a variety of technologies – from the cloud, to the edge, to intelligent end devices. Founded in 1984, Xilinx invented the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and was the first fabless semiconductor company. In 2012, the company introduced the first product based on 3-D stacked silicon using silicon interposer technology. It made history with the first extendable system-on-chip (SoCs) by tightly integrating a processor system with programmable logic. More recently, in 2019, Xilinx introduced an adaptive computing technology that delivers breakthrough AI inference and signal processing performance. And its innovations in developer tools have fueled developers’ ambitions for more than two decades. For Xilinx, being a leader in adaptive computing is more than algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. It means helping customers create scalable, differentiated and intelligent solutions that enable the adaptable, intelligent and connected world of the future.
Nah-UV Produkte (400 bis 420 mm)
DLP7000 Digitales DLP®-Mikrospiegelarray (DMD), XGA, 0,7 Zoll


Nah-UV-Produkte (400 bis 420 nm)
DLP9500 Digitales DLP®-Mikrospiegelarray (DMD), 1080p, 0,95 Zoll DLPC410 DLP®-Controller für digitale Mikrospiegelbausteine (DMDs) DLP650LNIR, DLP7000, und DLP9500


Nahinfrarot Produkte (> 700 mm)
DLP650LNIR Digitaler DLP®-Mikrospiegelbaustein (DMD), 0,65 Zoll, WXGA NIR


UV-Produkte (< 400 nm)
DLP7000UV Digitaler DLP®-Mikrospiegelbaustein (DMD), 0,7 Zoll, XGA UV DLP9500UV Digitaler Mikrospiegelbaustein (DMD) DLP®, 0,96 Zoll, 1080p
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Simulationstool
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Afrika
  • China
  • Europa
  • Indien
  • Japan
  • Nordamerika
  • Ozeanien
  • Rest Asiens
  • Südamerika
  • 2100 Logic Drive
  • San Jose, California, 95124
  • United States




IBIS file for the DLPR410 PROM device which supports the DLPC410, DLP650LNIR, DLP7000, DLP7000UV, DLP9500 and DLP9500UV.


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