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Electra Vehicles, Inc.
Comprehensive battery analytics to monitor fleet performance
Electra is a leading software company focused on accelerating electrification by producing software solutions that tackle today's biggest problems in energy storage: improve battery range, lifetime and safety performance in electric fleets and multiple battery-electric verticals. The company provides AI-based software solutions to electric vehicles, electric fleets, and multiple battery-electric verticals for improved battery pack range, lifetime and safety performance across applications.
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- Soporte de software
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- 110 K Street, Suite 330
- Boston, Massachusetts, 02127
- United States
ELCTR-3P-FLEET-MANAGEMENT — Electra vehicle's fleet fault predictor and vehicle SoX estimator
Fault prediction with fleet analytics software, developed by the Electra Vehicles Inc., generates synthetic data to illustrate the entire lifespan of the battery, encompassing battery degradation and faults. Paired with TI's wireless BMS and commander BMS units, it uses the power of this (...)