ipTronix s.r.l.

Solutions provider for embedded systems, from product concept to production

ipTronix is an esteemed independent design house that specializes in supporting clients in the adoption of cutting-edge technologies while minimizing risks and significantly reducing time to market. Their focus lies in areas such as digital video processing, high-speed busses (such as PCIe gen4, USB3, HDMI 2.1, DP 2.1), low-power technologies, FPGA design and software-defined radio.

The ipTronix company offers a comprehensive range of services, catering to a diverse array of customer needs. Whether clients require specific topic support or a complete turnkey design encompassing hardware, software, firmware design and compliance certification, ipTronix's dedicated team is equipped to assist at every stage of the process.

With expertise in highly complex system-on-chip (SoC) devices, FPGAs and wired and wireless protocols, ipTronix provides clients with an extensive portfolio of solutions. Their solutions find applications in various markets, including machine vision, edge computing, IoT, wearables, rugged and industrial display systems, defense and more.

Collaborating with ipTronix allows clients to tap into their experience and proficiency, helping them overcome technological challenges, gain a competitive advantage, and bring innovative ideas to life. The company prides itself on delivering exceptional solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.

Regiones compatibles
  • América del Sur
  • América del Norte
  • China
  • Europa
  • India
  • Japón
  • Oceanía
  • Resto de Asia
  • África
Sede central
  • Via della Maglianella, 65T
  • 00166 Rome, Italy
  • Rome, 166
Descargo de responsabilidad

Cierta información y recursos (incluidos los enlaces a sitios que no pertenecen a TI) pueden proceder de un miembro de la red de socios de TI y se incluyen aquí únicamente para su información. TI no es el proveedor ni se responsabiliza del contenido de dicha información y recursos, por lo que el usuario deberá evaluarlos detenidamente para los usos previstos y por su cuenta. El incluir dicha información y recursos aquí no implica la aprobación de estas empresas por parte de TI, y no se interpretará como una garantía o representación con respecto a la idoneidad de sus productos o servicios, ya sea por sí solos o en combinación con cualquier producto o servicio de TI.