Keynote Photonics

DLP design house & module provider

Keynote Photonics is a team of people who know DLP technology inside and out. Our knowledge comes from decades of combined experience in TI’s DLP division as engineers, scientists, inventors, and innovators. We maintain a close working relationship with TI to provide a variety of solutions in both photonics and display markets.

We are a passionate group of technologists who are deeply committed to customer success and enabling new innovations to create business growth. Our team has years of experience in making brilliant images, and we set the standard in projection technology. We are looking forward to creating new, break-through products that continue to push the boundaries forward.

Our goal at Keynote Photonics is to maximize your product design using DLP technology and provide you insights to take your company to the next level. Our team has decades of experience in DLP systems and products and have been instrumental in many of the technical innovations at Texas Instruments. We also have extensive contacts with the manufacturing eco-system to bring your product to market quickly and effectively.

Productos de espectroscopía y redes ópticas


Visible products (420 to 700 nm)
DLP4500 DMD DLP® WXGA 0.45 DLPC350 Controlador digital para DMD DLP4500 y DMD DLP4500NIR
Recursos disponibles
  • Módulo óptico
Regiones compatibles
  • América del Norte
Sede central
  • 1301 Central Expressway South
  • Suite 120
  • Allen, Texas, 75013
  • United States


Módulo óptico

KP-3P-DLP4500EVM — Módulos de evaluación Keynote Photonics DLP4500

Keynote Photonics offers a number of optical engine options, featuring DLP4500/DLPC350 DLP® chipset.

The LC4500-RGB optical engine provides a full color, high resolution projector for your display applications. Excellent uniformity and short focus capability enable a wide range of applications. The (...)
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