Technology and service provider for industrial communication protocol stacks and gateway solutions

For more than 35 years, TMG Technologie and Engineering GmbH (TMG TE) has been very successfully supporting national and international companies in the conception, specification, implementation and certification of development projects in industrial communication technology.
TMG TE has a large global market share and is the world market leader for IO-Link. they are therefore one of the leading technology providers and service providers in industrial communication technology, especially for IO-Link, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT and PROFIBUS.
With TMG products and services, they support you in integrating communication technologies into your products, as well as in commissioning and maintenance.
The TMG TE is an accredited competence center for IO-Link, PROFINET and PROFIBUS, as well as an accredited test center for IO-Link.
TMG Technologie Management Gruppe Technologie and Engineering GmbH (TMG TE) was founded in Karlsruhe in 1987 with the objective of supporting the manufacturing industry in sustainably exploiting the value-adding potential of automation technology. In the meantime, more than thirty-five years of experience as a recognized technology expert can be drawn upon. 
TMG TE, then TMG i-tec, was one of the pioneers for the successful application of PROFIBUS technology in manufacturing and process automation. 
With the trend towards end-to-end networked processes in companies and the use of Ethernet also at the field level, TMG TE has expanded our focus to PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT. The biggest challenge so far is the digitalization of the lowest process level with sensors and actuators with a globally accepted standard. As technology provider, TMG TE is the global leader in IO-Link. 
As future challenges, TMG TE sees Industry 4.0 with end-to-end integration with the IT world and the Internet of Things (IoT) with cloud solutions as well as the emerging standards for this. 
We have also successfully taken on the task of offering our products and services internationally and today have predominantly international business worldwide. For Asia in particular, we have distribution and development partners. 

Regiones compatibles
  • América del Sur
  • América del Norte
  • China
  • Europa
  • India
  • Japón
  • Resto de Asia
Sede central
  • Zur Gießerei 10
  • Karlsruhe, 76227
  • Germany
Descargo de responsabilidad

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