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BeagleBoard.org Foundation
Single-board computer vendor for TI Arm-based processors
The BeagleBoard.org Foundation is a Michigan,USA-based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that provides education in and collaboration around the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing. BeagleBoard.org provides a forum for the owners and developers of open-source software and hardware to exchange ideas, knowledge and experience.
The BeagleBoard.org community collaborates on the development of open source physical computing solutions including robotics, personal manufacturing tools like 3D printers and laser cutters, and other types of industrial and machine controls.
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BEAGL-BONE-AI-64 — 以 Jacinto™ TDA4VM Arm® Cortex®-72 處理器為基礎的 BeagleBone® AI-64 嵌入式計算電路板
BeagleBoard.org Foundation 的 BeagleBone® AI-64 是一套完整系統,用於開發人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習解決方案,並具備可立即開始學習及建置應用程式的 BeagleBone 平台及板載周邊裝置的便利性與擴充性。
Web 瀏覽器、電源和網路連線均採用本機代管、現成的、開放原始碼為主軸的工具鏈及開發環境,是開始建置效能最佳化之嵌入式應用程式的所有必備工具。
透過熟悉的 BeagleBone Cape 標頭實現領先業界的擴充可能性,提供數百個現成可用的開放原始碼硬體範例,和數十種嵌入式擴充選項。
BEAGL-BONE-BLACK — BeagleBone® Black 是以 AM335x 為基礎的 BeagleBoard.org foundation 單板電腦
BEAGL-PLAY-SBC — 以 AM62x 為基礎的 BeagleBoard.org Foundation 的 BeaglePlay® 單板電腦
BeaglePlay 是開放原始碼單板電腦,旨在簡化將感測器、致動器、指示器、人性化介面及連線功能新增至可靠嵌入式系統的程序。它具有強大的 64 位四核心處理器和創新的連接選項,包括 WiFi、GB 乙太網路、Sub-GHz 無線和具有資料線供電能力的單對乙太網路。BeaglePlay 相容於 1,000 種現成附加元件和自訂 Debian Linux 映像,可輕鬆進行擴充及自訂。其也包括適用於攝影機和觸控式螢幕顯示器的排線連接,以及適用於電池備援即時時鐘的插座,因此是人機介面設計的理想選擇。BeaglePlay 透過具競爭力的價格及方便使用的設計,為使用者提供正面的開發體驗。
BEAGLE-3P-BBONE-AI — 適用於嵌入式人工智慧的 BeagleBone® AI AM5729 開發板
Built on the proven BeagleBoard.org® open source Linux approach, BeagleBone® AI fills the gap between small SBCs and more powerful industrial computers. Based on the Texas Instruments, Sitara™ AM5729 processor, developers have access to a highly integrated and (...)