
Connectivity expert for wireless modules, SOMs, SBCs, internal antennas and IoT devices

Ezurio turns design possibility into reality with a comprehensive range of RF modules, system-on-modules, single board computers, internal antennas, IoT devices and custom solutions. With decades of engineering expertise, Ezurio provides solutions that reduce development costs and time to market.

Their global reach and unmatched support are backed by a resilient global supply chain that gives their customers the stability to overcome every design challenge with confidence. 

Wi-Fi 產品
CC3350 SimpleLink™ 雙頻 (2.4 和 5 GHz) Wi-Fi 6 配套 IC CC3351 SimpleLink™ 雙頻 (2.4 和 5 GHz) Wi-Fi 6 與 Bluetooth® 低功耗配套 IC
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  • 50 S. Main Street
  • STE 1100
  • Akron, Ohio, 44308
  • United States



EZURI-3P-SONATI351 — Sona TI351 Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth v5.4 模組

Ezurio 的 Sona™ TI351 是以德州儀器 SimpleLink™ CC3351 晶片組為基礎,是一款穩健的工業 IoT 模組,不但堅固耐用、小巧、經過全球認證、具有可靠的連接能力,而且易於整合。搭配 Ezurio 領先業界的服務和支援後,Sona TI351 成為同類產品中獨一無二的 Wi-Fi 模組,可滿足您所有 Wi-Fi 6 需求。

  • 相容:我們的 Linux Backports 套件支援許多 Linux 核心,包括 v6.x 在內
  • 可靠:整合式 PA (功率放大器) 與 LNA (低雜訊放大器) 搭配 1x1 SISO 天線,可在嚴苛的 RF 環境中提供可靠的連線。
  • (...)

EZURI-3P-CARBONAM62 — 適用於 AM623 和 AM625 處理器的 Ezurio CarbonAM62 SOM、OSM-MF 系統模組

Ezurio is a leading manufacturer and connectivity expert for wireless modules and system on modules. The CarbonAM62 OSM-MF family is powered by Texas Instrument's AM62x processor family, TI's TPS65219 PMIC, our Sona Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth wireless modules. Designed to meet the processing and (...)


EZURI-3P-CARBONAM67 — 適用於 AM67 和 AM67A 處理器的 Ezurio CarbonAM67 SOM、OSM-MF 系統模組

Ezurio is a leading manufacturer and connectivity expert for wireless modules and system-on-modules. The CarbonAM67 OSM-MF family is powered by Texas Instrument's AM67x processor family, TI's TPS65224 PMIC, our Sona Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth wireless modules. Our in-house USA based assembly allows (...)


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