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Wintech Digital Systems Technology
DSP and DLP optical engine design and manufacturer
Wintech Digital Systems Technology Corp. is a DSP and DLP® Development Company that specializes in DSP development platforms and custom DLP® optical engine design and manufacturing. Wintech has been in the electronics engineering industry for nearly 20 years and has serviced more than 10,000 customers worldwide. During this time we have developed numerous partner relationships and a unique supply chain that caters to both high and low volume customer needs. By leveraging our global supply chain, Wintech is able to deliver custom products faster and at lower prices than our competitors. Let our knowledge and experience work for you.
Wintech has a strong internal R&D capability as more than 90% of ourstaffare engineers. We also possess a strong project management team that thrives on delivering products on time. Wintech’s electronics expertise has earned multiple patents and has resulted in the publication of numerous books on the topic of DSP. Wintech has offices and distributors in the U.S., China, Asia, and Europe. Our distributors can be found in Korea, Japan, Israel, India, Germany, England and Taiwan. If you are interested in becoming a Wintech distributor, please contact info@wintechdigital.com.
- 聯絡合作夥伴
- www.wintechdigital.com
- 光學模組
- 開發板
- 北美
- 310 Via Vera Cruz,
- STE 209C
- San Marcos, California, 92078
- United States
WDST-3P-PRO4500 — Wintech PRO4500 可立即生產光學引擎
WDST-3P-PRO6500 — Wintech PRO6500 可立即生產光學引擎
WDST-3P-PRO650NIR — Wintech PRO650NIR 高功率光刻頭
PRO650NIR 光刻頭整合了我們的 DLP650LNIR 0.65" WXGA DMD 和 DLPC410 晶片組。此晶片組可用於選擇層燒結 (包括尼龍應用)、動態雷射標記和工業列印應用。PRO650LNIR 使用 Wintech 提供的 1064-nm 或 976-nm 光纖雷射提供超過 100-W 的輸出,但客戶提供的雷射也可搭配內建 SMA905 光纖介面使用。現成的 47-um 像素可供於公司內部設計和製造自訂透鏡。此系統採用前側 DMD (氣體) 和液體冷卻進行散熱管理,每秒最高可達 10,000 個二進位訊框。