Battery cell formation & test equipment

Products and reference designs

Battery cell formation & test equipment

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you create high-density battery cell formation and test equipment to precisely monitor and control charging and discharging I/V profiles during battery formation and testing. Different architectures are optimized for cost and performance for different power levels.

Design requirements

Next-generation battery cell formation and test equipment designs often require:

  • High-efficiency buck/boost power supplies at the optimum level.
  • Precision-control loop of the charge and discharge process.
  • Highest level of current and voltage accuracy.
  • Maintaining system accuracy over wide temperature range.

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Battery cell formation & test equipment

Reference Reference Series REF Series REF Fuse Fuse VCM buffer VCM buffer Amp Amp Protection SSR Protection SSR MOS FET MOSFET Isolated switch driver Isolated switch driver Switch Switch MUX MUX MUX MUX MUX MUX REF REF Auxiliary Power Auxiliary Power S&H S&H MUX MUX Power control Power control Analog – or - digital bi-directional buck-boost PWM controller Analog – or - digitalbi-directional buck-boostPWM controller Gate driver Gate driver Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Controller Controller MCU MCU ADC ADC COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP Logic gates Logicgates Voltage Voltage Current Current Temperature Temperature Amp Amp Voltage monitor Voltagemonitor Shunt REF ShuntREF COMP COMP Power stage Power stage MOS FET MOSFET Temp switch Temp switch COMP COMP Shunt REF ShuntREF Temp sensor Temp sensor Battery temp Battery temp Thermistor Thermistor Bi-dir AD-DC Bi-dirAD-DC Bi-dir isolated DC-DC Bi-dirisolated DC-DC Processing Processing Arm® MPU Arm® MPU MPU power MPU power LDO LDO DC-DC DC-DC 0 . 0000 g Settings Menu Battery V / I Data Data acquisition & control board Data acquisition & control board Low-voltage, bi-directional DC-DC power stage Low-voltage, bi-directional DC-DC power stage Tester data concentrator & HMI Tester data concentrator & HMI Logic buffer & MUX Logic buffer & MUX Intermediary power supply Intermediary power supply High-VIN DC-DC High-VIN DC-DC eFuse or HotSwap eFuse orHotSwap Protection logic Protection logic Ethernet interface Ethernet interface Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY XFMR XFMR Data acquisition Data acquisition Amp Amp Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY XFMR XFMR Serial Serial Digital isolator Digital isolator RS-485 RS-232 RS-485RS-232 CAN CAN Digital isolator Digital isolator CAN CAN Current sense Current sense MUX MUX INA INA System monitor System monitor Supervisor IC SupervisorIC Dig temp sense Dig temp sense System Interface System Interface Logic & translators Logic & translators I2C / I3C Interface I2C / I3C Interface CAN interface CAN interface Digital isolator Digital isolator CAN CAN Serial interface Serial interface Digital isolator Digital isolator RS-485 RS-232 RS-485RS-232 CC/CV CC/CV Error amp Error amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Voltage sense Voltage sense Amp Amp Board-to-board protection Board-to-board protection TVS TVS ESD ESD Interface protection Interface protection TVS TVS ESD ESD CC/CV control CC/CV control Amp Amp DAC DAC Analog power Analog power Inverting DC-DC Inverting DC-DC DC-DC DC-DC Low-noise power Low-noise power Negative LDO NegativeLDO LDO LDO MCU power MCU power LDO LDO DC-DC DC-DC ADC ADC

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