ADS1262 and ADS1263 Excel™ calculator tool
The ADS1262-ADS1263 Excel calculator provides the user with several easy-to-use tools to help simplify the configuration of the ADS1262 and ADS1263. This calculator also provides valuable information to help the user understand frequency and settling time requirements as well as validate output code errors. Finally, the ADS1262-ADS1263 Excel tool helps accelerate time to market by including an easy-to-use register map, CRC/checksum calculator, PGA input range requirement calculator, an ADC code converter, and configurable digital filter response plots.
- Complete register map
- PGA input range calculator
- SINC1/2/3/4 filter response for ADC1
- SIN3 filter response for ADC2
- Raw code converter
- CRC & Checksum calculator
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