Additional tools required
TSW1400EVM (obsolete) is required for development when evaluating with AFE5816EVM. Do not purchase AFE5816EVM unless you already have TSW1400EVM.
The AFE5816EVM is a highly integrated Analog Front-End (AFE) solution specifically designed for ultrasound systems in which high performance and small size are required. The AFE5816EVM integrates a complete time-gain-control (TGC) imaging path and a continuous wave Doppler (CWD) path. It also enables users to select one of various power/noise combinations to optimize system performance. Therefore, the AFE5816EVM is a suitable ultrasound analog front end solution not only for high-end systems, but also for portable systems.
TSW1400EVM (obsolete) is required for development when evaluating with AFE5816EVM. Do not purchase AFE5816EVM unless you already have TSW1400EVM.
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