Get started and develop with dual-mode Bluetooth solutions with our wireless MCUs
Start Bluetooth development on our MSP432 based MCUs with our example code, software, hardware, tools, and documentation.
Evaluation board
CC256XCQFN-EM — CC2564C Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Controller Evaluation Module
Interface adapter
BOOST-CCEMADAPTER — EM Adapter BoosterPack
Driver or library
CC2564CSTBTBLESW1 — CC2564C TI Dual-mode Bluetooth® Stack on STM32F4 MCUs
Driver or library
CC256XC-BT-SP — Bluetooth® Service Pack for CC256xC
Documentation & related resources
More literature
Dual-Mode Bluetooth® CC256xCQFNEM Evaluation Board
User guide
CC2564C TI Dual-mode Bluetooth Stack on MSP432 MCUs