DLPC300 Configuration and Support Firmware
The DLP 0.3 WVGA chipset consists of the DLP3000 DMD and DLPC300 controller. To enable broad functionality of the chipset and ensure reliable operation of the DLP3000 micromirrors, TI is offering DLPR300 configuration and support firmware. Combined with the DLPC300 controller, the DLPR300 firmware provides developers with a flexible interface and extensive feature set to accelerate development of end equipments using spatial light modulation.
Configuration firmware for the DLPC300. Enables the 0.3 WVGA chipset to display high speed, native resolution patterns with user selectable bit depths and pattern rates. This firmware also allows users to display high quality, wide aspect ratio video and images at multiple resolutions.
DLPR300SPLASH — Splash Screen Utility for DLPR300
DLPR300SPLASH — Splash Screen Utility for DLPR300
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