Linux Digital Video Software Development Kit (DVSDK) for OMAP3530/3525 Digital Media Processors




The Linux Digital Video Software Development Kit (DVSDK) enables OMAP35x system integrators to quickly develop Linux-based multimedia applications that can be easily ported across different devices in the OMAP35x generation, including OMAP3530 and OMAP3525 application processors. The DVSDK combines a pre-tested set of operating system, application framework, and codec libraries with example programs that demonstrate decode and encode of audio and video data streamed in real-time to and from peripheral devices. For OMAP35x devices which feature DSP cores, the DVSDK provides a complete framework for developers to easily leverage DSP-accelerated codecs without having to program the DSP. The DVSDK is free and does not require any run-time royalties.


This is the Generally Available (GA) release of the Linux DVSDK version 4. Supported platforms are TMS320DM365, OMAP-L138, OMAP3530/25 and TMS320DM3730/25 processors.


Additional Information:


The OMAP35x Linux DVSDK is a free non-commercial Linux that comes complete with everything a user needs to get started quickly and can be shipped in production systems.  The Quick Start Guide should allow users to connect the hardware and start playing with GUI based demos which demonstrate the hardware capabilities in a matter of minutes.  Furthermore, developers should be able to install all the software (includes source code) and development tools in less than an hour and be on their way to development.  We also include excellent documentation for our software components; for example, you can look at the Driver Data Sheet to get capabilities of performance information on our Linux device drivers supporting the on-chip peripherals, or look at the multimedia codec data-sheets to figure out MIPS and memory requirements for a particular codec.


The Linux SDK for OMAP3530 and OMAP3525 includes the following components:

  • Linux kernel 2.6.32
  • Bootloaders
  • File System
  • Qt/Webkit application framework
  • Matrix Application Launcher
  • 3D Graphics support
  • WLAN & Bluetooth support
  • Example applications
  • Host tools including Flash Tool and Pin Mux Utility
  • Documentation
  • Tools for easy development/integration of DSP algorithms
  • DSP accelerated codecs: H.264 Enc/Dec, MPEG-4 Enc/Dec, MPEG-2 Dec, JPEG Enc/Dec, AAC HE Dec, G.711 Enc/Dec, MP3 Decode


To find previous versions of TI DVSDKs, go to:  TI Target Content Infrastructure


What is in DVSDK v4?

  • Bootloading (u-boot) - Software to boot Linux from a variety of peripherals.
  • The Codec Engine Multimedia stack - The Codec Engine algorithm execution framework provides a consistent set of multimedia codec APIs, known as xDM, regardless of whether the codec is being executed on the ARM, DSP, or dedicated accelerator. Developers can then build higher-level multimedia framework functions, such as AV Sync or stream parsing, on top of Codec Engine. For developers whose expertise is in Linux application development, Codec Engine enables developers to remotely instantiate and execute codecs and algorithms on the DSP without needing to write any DSP code.
  • DaVinci Multimedia Interface (DMAI) - DMAI allows development of highly portable multimedia applications that can move easily from one device or operating system to another.
  • Multimedia codecs - The DVSDK provides codec libraries and associated AV clips that enable developers to immediately develop and evaluate real-world applications. These codecs may be in dedicated hardware (DM355S), DSP-accelerated or a combination of both. Most are available for download now, along with the DVSDK. They are production quality codecs, with production software licensing agreements.
  • Demonstration ("Demo") programs - The Demo programs show decoding and encoding operations to illustrate how frameworks, codecs, video and audio subsystem drivers are integrated to implement complete applications.


For DaVinci  and Integra devices that have DSP cores, the DVSDK further offers a set of DSP components that allow developers to quickly leverage DSP acceleration, including:

  • DSP/BIOS operating system - DSP/BIOS is a preemptive, multitasking, real-time kernel that simplifies creation of multithreaded DSP application.
  • DSP/BIOS Link - DSP/BIOS Link is ARM-DSP communication software that enables the ARM to bootload the DSP and for the two processors to pass messages and data buffers via shared memory. 
  • xDAIS Developer’s Kit - xDAIS and xDM are algorithm integration standards that make it easier to implement applications that must use multiple different codecs. Algorithms adhering to the xDAIS standard access shared resources such as internal memory and DMA through the framework, enabling the framework to prevent one codec overwriting the resources used by another. xDM provides standard APIs for different classes of codecs that enable an application to invoke, for example, MPEG4 or H.264 decoders from different vendors without having to change any code.
  • Framework Components - Framework Components are modules that simplify implementation of frameworks that wish to use xDAIS-compliant algorithms.
  • EDMA3 Driver - This driver provides APIs to utilize DaVinci’s powerful DMA capabilities. The EDMA3 driver includes resource management support to enable developers to safely share DMA resources between different parts of the application.
  • Development Tools - Although Codec Engine enables applications to use DSP-accelerated codecs without doing any DSP programming, developers who need to implement custom DSP applications will need to purchase TI's Code Composer StudioTM IDE and an emulator. These will allow development and debugging of applications on the DSP.
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Software development kit (SDK)

LINUXDVSDKOMAP3530 Linux Digital Video Software Development Kit (DVSDK) for OMAP3530, OMAP3525

Download options

LINUXDVSDKOMAP3530 Linux Digital Video Software Development Kit (DVSDK) for OMAP3530, OMAP3525

Latest version
Version: 4.01
Release date: Jan 12, 2011

Code Sourcery ARM GCC Tool Chain

DVSDK 4.01 Additional sources ISO image [optional]

MD5 checksum

TMS320DM365 DVSDK 4.01 Installer

MD5 checksum

TMS320DM368 DVSDK 4.01 Installer

MD5 checksum

WLAN/Bluetooth applications and drivers

TMS320DM3730 DVSDK 4.01 Installer

MD5 checksum

WLAN/Bluetooth applications and drivers


TMS320DM365 DVSDK 4.01 Release Notes

TMS320DM365 DVSDK 4.01 Quick Start Guide

TMS320DM368 DVSDK 4.01 Release Notes

TMS320DM368 DVSDK 4.01 Quick Start Guide

OMAP3530 DVSDK 4.01 Quick Start Guide

TMS320DM3730 DVSDK 4.01 Release Notes

TMS320DM3730 DVSDK 4.01 Quick Start Guide

OMAPL138 DVSDK 4.01 Quick Start Guide

Release Information

There is a US $17 shipping and handling fee associated with receiving the CD.

Windows Users - If you are having difficulties with the download see

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Software development

C6RUN-DSPARMTOOL C6EZRun Software Development Tool for TI DSP+ARM Devices CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
OMAP35XCODECS CODECS - Optimized for OMAP35x Processors
FLASHTOOL FlashTool for AM35x, AM37x, DM37x and OMAP35x Devices

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