1080p Laser TV Reference Design
This projection reference design presents a DLP® technology subsystem that is capable of creating displays up to 120 frames-per-second (fps) at only a single frame delay. The design focuses on the DLP470NE 1080p digital micromirror device (DMD) within the design to create a 1920×1080 display at 120 Hz, which can be integrated into a variety of end equipments such as gaming, home theater, laser TV, and simulation. Many personal electronics and video simulation applications require high-frame-rate, lowlatency solutions to display high-quality, fast-moving data and avoid introducing system delay between the video source and the projected image.
- DLP470NE capable of producing 1920×1080 images or Full HD 1080p resolution at 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz, and 120 Hz
- Low-latency design creates only one frame of delay through entire DLPC4422 subsystem
- High-DMD thermal capability allows systems to achieve brightness up to 4000 lumens
- PC software GUI available to program DLPC4422 display controller
Enterprise systems
Personal electronics
A fully assembled board has been developed for testing and performance validation only, and is not available for sale.
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