Space-grade reference design using integrated digital-output temperature sensor
This reference design illustrates the fact that several spacecraft projects provide a system health status telemetry that ground personnel monitor in real time. This reference design shows an example using a digital output temperature sensor to acquire temperature data on a sub-system using a radiation hardened MSP430FR5969-SP microcontroller (MCU). This system implements a SPI based slave that responds to a host request for temperature data using a simple register read/write protocol. The reference design includes a TMP461-SP with local temperature sensing and remote diode temperature sensing of an ADC12D1620QML-SP. The board used for this reference design is the TSW12D1620EVM-CVAL. This approach can be used as a starting point for a remote subsystem temperature and health monitor.
- Local temperature sensing with ±2°C accuracy
- Remote temperature sensing with ±1.5°C accuracy
- Ultra-low power radiation hardened MCU
- I2C temperature sensor output(TMP461-SP)
- SPI-based slave interface to host
A fully assembled board has been developed for testing and performance validation only, and is not available for sale.
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ADC12D1620QML-SP — Radiation-hardness-assured (RHA), QMLV, 300-krad, 12-bit, dual 1.6-GSPS or single 3.2-GSPS ADC
Data sheet: PDF | HTMLMSP430FR5969-SP — Radiation Hardened Mixed-Signal Microcontroller
Data sheet: PDF | HTMLStart development
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