
People Counting and Tracking Reference Design Using mmWave Radar Sensor


Design files


This reference design demonstrates the use of IWR6843, which is a single-chip mmWave radar sensor with integrated DSP for an indoor and outdoor people counting application. This reference design uses the IWR6843ISK evaluation module (EVM) and integrates a complete radar processing chain onto the IWR6843 device. This solution can detect up to 250 objects, and point and track up to 20 people with a field of view (FOV) of ±60º in the azimuth (horizontal) plane.

  • Demonstration hardware and software using IWR6843 mmWave radar sensor for people counting
  • mmWave technology provides range, velocity, and angle information ideal for environmental effects
  • All detection and signal processing handled onboard the IWR6843; point cloud and object information streamed to PC for visualization
  • Azimuth field of view (FOV) of 120º across distance of 6 m (distance can be modified or extended with different chirp configurations)
  • Examples of implementation of static clutter and group tracking algorithms

Design files & products

Design files

Download ready-to-use system files to speed your design process.

TIDUE71D.PDF (3593 K)

Reference design overview and verified performance test data

SWRR166B.ZIP (20416 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

SWRR165B.ZIP (23084 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

SWRR164C.ZIP (73375 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

TIDRXJ0.PDF (1006 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

SWRC355C.ZIP (121397 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB


Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives.

Industrial mmWave radar sensors

IWR6843Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz intelligent mmWave sensor integrating processing capability

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs

TM4C1294NCPDT32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHZ, 1-MB flash, 256-KB RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY

Data sheet: PDF
Linear & low-dropout (LDO) regulators

TPS7961-A, low-dropout voltage regulator with enable

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
Linear & low-dropout (LDO) regulators

TPS7A8101-Q1Automotive 1-A, high-PSRR, adjustable low-dropout voltage regulator with enable

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
Linear & low-dropout (LDO) regulators

TPS7A881-A, low-noise, high-PSRR, dual-channel adjustable ultra-low-dropout voltage regulator

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)

LP87524B-Q1Multiphase 4MHz, 4A/1.8V + 2.5A/2.3V + 1.5A/3.3V + 1.5A/1.2V buck converters for AWR and IWR MMICs

Data sheet: PDF | HTML

Start development


Evaluation board

IWR6843ISK-ODS — IWR6843 intelligent mmWave overhead detection sensor (ODS) antenna plug-in module

IWR6843ISK-ODS is an easy-to-use 60 GHz mmWave sensor evaluation kit based on IWR6843 device with wide field-of-view antenna. The IWR6843ISK-ODS may be used to evaluate the IWR6843 and IWR6443 devices. This board enables access to point-cloud data and power over USB interface.

This kit is supported (...)

User guide: PDF | HTML
Buy from a distributor
Evaluation board

IWR6843ISK — IWR6843 intelligent mmWave sensor standard antenna plug-in module

IWR6843ISK is an easy-to-use 60 GHz mmWave sensor evaluation kit based on IWR6843 device with long-range antenna. The IWR6843ISK may be used to evaluate the IWR6843 and IWR6443 devices. This board enables access to point-cloud data and power over USB interface.

This kit is supported by mmWave tools (...)

User guide: PDF | HTML
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Evaluation board

IWR6843AOPEVM — IWR6843AOP evaluation module for integrated antenna-on-package (AoP) intelligent mmWave sensor

The IWR6843 antenna-on-package (AoP) evaluation module (EVM) is an easy-to-use 60-GHz mmWave sensor evaluation platform used to evaluate the IWR6843AOP product, which integrates a wide field-of-view (FoV) antenna. This EVM enables access to point-cloud data and power over a USB interface.

This kit (...)

User guide: PDF | HTML
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Technical documentation

= Top documentation selected by TI
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View all 5
Type Title Date
* Design guide People Tracking and Counting Reference Design Using mmWave Radar Sensor (Rev. D) PDF | HTML Apr. 27, 2020
More literature Techniques for PIR-based motion detection Dec. 15, 2020
User guide IWR14xx/16xx/18xx/68xx/64xx Industrial Radar Family Technical Reference Manual (Rev. E) May 28, 2020
White paper Bringing intelligent autonomy to fine motion detection (Rev. A) Dec. 20, 2018
Technical article Catch your breath: Which is a better occupancy detector – mmWave or PIR? PDF | HTML Mar. 26, 2018

Related design resources

Hardware development

IWR1642BOOST IWR1642 BoosterPack™ evaluation module for single-chip 77GHz mmWave sensor MMWAVEICBOOST mmWave sensors carrier card platform

Software development

MMWAVE-SDK mmWave software development kit (SDK) for xWR1443, xWR1642, xWR1843, xWR6443 and xWR6843

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