
TPS2490 Evaluation Module


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The +48-V Hot Swap Power Manager Evaluation Module (EVM) is a two-board platform that enables designers to rapidly learn about and evaluate the performance of the TPS2490 or TPS2491. Texas Instruments (TI) TPS2490 and TPS2491 +48-V Hot Swap Power Manager integrated circuits (ICs) ensure the hot-swap safety and add protection during fault conditions for boards or modules in +48-V hot swap environments. The ICs feature programmable current and power limiting, electronic circuit breaker, adjustable undervoltage-lock enable input, and power-good reporting output. The +48-V Hot Swap EVM is a PCB-based tool used to demonstrate the performance and operation of the TPS2490 and TPS2491 ICs in simulated live insertion and removal actions.

The TPS2490 and TPS2491 +48-V Hot Swap Power Manager (HSPM) provides highly integrated supply control of 9 V to 80 V positive supplies with a minimum number of external components. These hot-swap controllers operate an external N-channel MOSFET device to safely switch power to downstream loads. A power MOSFET can be destroyed if operated outside its safe operating area (SOA) curve, which typically includes limitations on current, voltage and power. In order to assure that the SOA is not exceeded, the hot-swap controller contains independently adjustable current- and power-limit circuitry. If a fault persists beyond a user-defined period of time, the Hot Swap Power Manager turns off the power MOSFET. Depending upon which design option is chosen, the part either remains latched off (TPS2490) until the enable is cycled, or it automatically restarts (TPS2491) after a time delay.

These devices can be used on plug-in cards and on back-planes to limit inrush current, control load turn-on, enable down-stream dc-to-dc converters, isolate faulted loads, and eliminate nuisance shutdowns.

  1. Programmable Power Limiting and Current Limiting for Complete SOA Protection)
  2. Wide Operating Range: +9 V to +80 V
  3. Latched Operation (TPS2490) and Automatic (TPS2491)
  4. High-side Drive for Low-RDS(on) External N-channel MOSFET
  5. Programmable Fault Timer to Protect the MOSFET and Eliminate Nuisance Shutdowns
  6. Power Good Open-Drain Output for Downstream DC/DC Coordination
  7. Enable can be used as a Programmable Undervoltage Lockout or Logic Control
  8. Small, Space-saving 10-pin MSOP Package

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Test Procedure

eFuses & hot swap controllers
TPS2490 9-V to 80-V hot swap controller with power limiting and latch off
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TPS2490EVM-001 — TPS2490-001 Evaluation Module

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Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
* User guide TPS2490, TPS2491, +48 V Hot Swap Power Manager Evaluation Module (Rev. A) 12 Jun 2007
Data sheet TPS249x Positive High-Voltage Power-Limiting Hot Swap Controller datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 04 Feb 2020
Certificate TPS2490EVM-001 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 02 Jan 2019

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Hardware development

TPS2491EVM-002 TPS2491 Evaluation Module

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