Get started and develop with Wilink 8 Wifi and Bluetooth solutions
Start Wi-FI and Bluetooth development on Linux based processors with our example code, software, hardware, tools, and documentation.
Daughter card
WL1835MODCOM8B — WiLink™ 8 Module 2.4 GHz WiFi + Bluetooth COM8 Kit for Sitara
Evaluation board
TMDXEVM3358 — AM335x evaluation module
Developing with a Sitara Arm®-based Linux processor.
Evaluation board
TMDSEVM437X — AM437x high security evaluation module
Developing with a Sitara Arm®-based Linux processor.
Evaluation board
TMDSEVM572X — AM572x evaluation module
Developing with a Sitara Arm®-based Linux processor.
Evaluation board
Developing for Wi-Fi protocols on any host processor EVM without COM8 connector.
Driver or library
TI-BT-4-2-STACK-LINUX-ADDON — TI Bluetooth 4.2 Stack Add-On for Linux Platforms With WL183x and CC2564C
Driver or library
WL18XX-BT-SP — Bluetooth service pack for WL18xx
Application software & framework
WILINK-BT_WIFI-WIRELESS_TOOLS — WiLink™ Wireless Tools for WL18XX modules
Testing and debugging tools.
Application software & framework
WILINK-WIFI_MESH_VISUALIZATION_TOOL — WiLink™ Mesh Visualization Tool for WL18XX modules
Developing and testing mesh network configurations.
Driver or library
WILINK8-WIFI-NLCP — WiLink8 NLCP Wi-Fi driver package for Linux OS
WILINK8-WIFI-NLCP — WiLink8 NLCP Wi-Fi driver package for Linux OS
Version: R8.8
Release date: 08 Oct 2020
Link to WiLink™ 8 Solutions Overview
Link to the Getting Started User's Guide
Link to the Wilink8 Calibrator Tool User's Guide
Wi-Fi products
Link to R8.8 Release Notes
Software Manifest of components inside the release
Release Infomation
This page contains specific information about WL18xx WLAN IP R8.8 software release package. The information in this page and reference is targeted to cover the feature content, build instructions, and prebuilt images for quick start.