MSP430USBDEVPACK — MSP430 USB Developers Package
Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware
MSP430USBDEVPACK — MSP430 USB Developers Package
USB Stack and Examples
Windows Descriptor Tool Installer
Mac OSX Descriptor Tool Installer
Linux Descriptor Tool Installer
Firmware Upgrade Example (Windows-only Commercial licensed)
Python based Firmware Upgrade Example (Open Source Licensed)
Java HID Demo (Open Source Licensed)
- USB stack code and examples
- Function HidToBufferFromHost() updated to get Y buffer byte count from pEP2 instead of pEP1.
- Implementation of auto detection of XT2 crystal frequencies for 4MHz, 8MHz, 12MHz, 16MHz and 24MHz.
- Integration of TI’s AES128 Encryption and Decryption APIs in examples, H10_ReceiveData_EncryptDecrypt and H11_LedOnOff_EncryptDecrypt, added
- Descriptor Tool
- Removed setting for selection of XT2 crystal frequency.
- Custom interfaces are stored in the order they are created in xml file.
- Java HidDemo tool and Python Firmware Upgrader tools
- Python Firmware Upgrader tool updated to download RAM_BSL. file
- A new version of Java HidDemo tool created that integrates TI’s AES128 Encryption and Decryption APIs.
- USB_API changes
- USB_init() has a routine to auto detect the XT2 frequency. This routine uses Timer A to compare the frequency of SMCLK=XT2 and ACLK=REFO. The timer A will only be used during the initialization of the USB stack. Therefore, it is recommended to initialize the USB stack before initializing the Timer A in an application. If this is not possible, or to disable the XT2 frequency auto detect feature, please see the Programmers_Guide_MSP430_USB_API.pdf for more information.