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DRV109xx Software

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Latest version
Release date: Jun 20, 2018
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Integrated control BLDC drivers
DRV10975 12-V nominal, 2-A peak sensorless sinusoidal control 3-phase BLDC motor driver DRV10983 24-V nominal, 3-A peak sensorless sinusoidal control 3-phase BLDC motor driver DRV10983-Q1 Automotive 12-V battery, 3.5-A peak sensorless sinusoidal control 3-phase BLDC motor driver DRV10987 12-V to 24-V nominal, 3.5-A peak sensorless sinusoidal control 3-phase BLDC motor driver
Hardware development
Reference design
TIDA-01493 Thermally optimized 2-Layer 60-W Sensorless BLDC Motor Drive Reference Design TIDA-01496 Single-Layer, 12-V, Programmable, 3-Phase BLDC Motor Driver With Speed Regulation Reference Design
Evaluation board
DRV10975EVM DRV10975EVM Evaluation Module for Three-phase Brushless Motor Driver DRV10983EVM DRV10983 Three-Phase Brushless Motor Driver Evaluation Module DRV10983Q1EVM DRV10983-Q1 Automotive, 12V, 24V Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Module DRV10987EVM DRV10987 12V/24V Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Module

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