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CC26xx Regulatory Certification Reports
Productos de 2.4 GHz de baja potencia
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & Japan Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports
Link to CC3230x-CC26x2EM-7ID Reference-Only CE & FCC Certification Reports
Información de la versión
This page provides access to the CC26XX certification reports. Here you will find certification reports for both modules and EVMs. Note that module certification reports can be reused by the customer for regulatory compliance. However the customer should consult with their regulatory house to ensure they meet the requirements for certification at their product level. EVM certification reports are provided for reference only. When using a chip down version, the customer is responsible for their own certification.
- Updated CC2651R3SIPAT0MOUR with Japan, Korea, and Tiawan reports
- Updated CC2652RSIPMOT CE with missing safety report