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SimpleLink™ Bluetooth low energy plug-in Azure™ gateway example pack

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Fecha de publicación: 31/07/2019

Windows Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack

Suma de comprobación MD5

macOS Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack

Suma de comprobación MD5

Linux Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack

Suma de comprobación MD5
MCU Arm Cortex-M4
MSP432E401Y MCU SimpleLink™ 32 bit Arm Cortex-M4F con ethernet, CAN, 1MB Flash y 256 KB RAM
Productos de 2.4 GHz de baja potencia
CC2642R MCU inalámbrico de 32 bits SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® de baja energía con Flash de 352 kB CC2652R MCU inalámbrico multiprotocolo SimpleLink™ de 32 bits Arm Cortex-M4F menor a 2,4 GHz con Flash de 35
Desarrollo de hardware
Kit de desarrollo
MSP-EXP432E401Y Kit de desarrollo LaunchPad™ MCU SimpleLink™ Ethernet MSP432E401Y
Placa de evaluación
LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 Kit de desarrollo CC26x2R LaunchPad™ para MCU inalámbrica multiestándar SimpleLin


SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack User's Guide

Información de la versión

The SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack is a companion software packages that enables a user to enable their BLE applications as a gateway to the Azure Cloud.

This Examples Pack requires prior download of the SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin, as well as the SimpleLink SDK E4 Azure Plugin. Without prior installation of those plugins, as well as their SDK dependencies, the examples in this Example Pack will not work.


  • First release of the SimpleLink BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack.
  • This release contains the azure_gateway example, which demonstrates how a 2-chip GAP central role solution can act as a gateway to the Azure IoT cloud. This feature uses the MSP432E401Y as the Host device and the CC26x2R1 as the NWP. The source code used for this example can be found in the SimpleLink Bluetooth Plugin and in the SimpleLink MSP432E4 SDK Azure IoT Plugin. The azure_gateway example demonstrates the following features:
    • Host: MSP432E401Y
    • NWP: CC26X2R1
    • GAP Central role support
    • Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol used for communication with the NWP
    • BLE5 support
    • Power management
    • Low Energy Secure Connection (LESC) Pairing
    • Tested with up to 4 peripherals connected simultaneously (but can support more than 4 connections)
    • Supports a subset of TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events. More information on these APIs can be found BLE Vendor Specific API Guide.
    • Works out-of-box with the Sensors BoosterPack and Project Zero examples that are also in the SimpleLink SDK Bluetooth Plugin.