Altos Radar is the world’s leading imaging radar developer for automotive applications.
The Altos V2 is a four-chip cascaded imaging radar design that is based on TI AWR2243 MMIC and TDA4 processor. It features a customized 12TX and 16TX antenna array design, complete signal processing pipeline, embedded implementation on TI's TDA4 processor, and world class point cloud output for advanced driver assistance system (ADAS).
Altos V2 is a great start to experience the true capability of four-chip cascaded imaging radar. In addition, upon request, Altos Radar could also provide complete toolchain for raw data collection, point cloud offline simulation and display, parameter tunning, object-list creation and so on. Altos team also provides services to help create customized radar design with very short turnaround time.
Arm ベースのプロセッサ
- Long range, with cars detection beyond 400m and pedestrians beyond 250m.
- Both Azimuth and elevation resolutions are below 1.5°, with 25dB of dynamic range
- No velocity ambiguity from -400km/h to +200km/s in single frame
- 4000 point per frame and 15 frames per second
- Time synchronization and external triggering capability
- Customizable parameters upon request
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