BIOSLINUXMCSDK-K2 — MCSDK (SYS/BIOS RTOS、および KeyStone II ARM A15 + DSP C66x 用 Linux OS をサポート)
Arm ベースのプロセッサ
デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP)
BIOSLINUXMCSDK-K2 — MCSDK (SYS/BIOS RTOS、および KeyStone II ARM A15 + DSP C66x 用 Linux OS をサポート)
MCSDK installer for Windows-32bit containing DSP sources for Windows host
MCSDK installer for Linux containing both DSP and ARM sources for Linux host
MCSDK release tar ball containing full source for host or target
MCSDK ARM Arago source tarball
KeyStone II emupack Linux installer (Gel files and XML files) for CCS
KeyStone II emupack Windows installer (Gel files and XML files) for CCS
Arm ベースのプロセッサ
デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP)
Release notes highlighting new features and known issues
Software manifest providing licensing and export control information
Software Defects A list of software defects can be found here .