ADAS 車載アプリケーション向け、Jacinto プロセッサ上で動作する、Phantom AI のビジョン ソフトウェア


提供元: Phantom AI


PhantomVision™ is a scalable, flexible and reliable deep learning based computer vision solution that provides a comprehensive suite of Euro NCAP compliant ADAS features. It is a visual perception engine that enables a single or multiple cameras to autonomously recognize road objects and sophisticated traffic directions in the vicinity of its driving path. The multi-camera system covers a 360-degree view from the vehicle in an optimal combination of front, side, and rear-view cameras and does not allow any blind spots. The real-time detection and target tracking on a bird-eye view provides an accurate motion estimate of road objects to various ADAS functions such as AEB (Auto Emergency Braking), ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), TJA (Traffic Jam Assist) and LKAS (Lane Keeping Assist System). PhantomVision™ can be deployed on low power embedded SoCs (System on Chip) with leveraging our innovative deep learning and computer vision technology running on hardware accelerators.

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ
画像の提供元:Phantom AI



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