CC31xx 向け SimpleLink Studio
SimpleLink™ Studio for CC31xx is a Windows-based software tool used to aid in the development of embedded networking applications and software for microcontrollers. Using SimpleLink Studio for CC31xx, embedded software developers can develop and test applications using any desktop IDE, such as Visual Studio or Eclipse, and connect their applications to the cloud using the CC31xx BoosterPack. The application can then be easily ported to any microcontroller.
With the SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC31xx solution, customers now have the flexibility to add Wi-Fi to any microcontroller (MCU). This Internet-on-a-chip solution contains all you need to easily create IoT solutions – security, quick connection, cloud support and more. For more information on CC31xx, visit
- Enables PC-based code development and debugging of MCU embedded networking applications that work with CC31xx SimpleLink driver
- Out-of-the-box supports desktop IDEs, such as Visual Studio & Eclipse, with easy portability to other IDEs
- Leverage 8 simultaneous TCP or UDP sockets or 2 simultaneous TLS v1.2 / SSL 3.0 sockets to connect to embedded TCP/IP Stack on CC31xx
- Includes multiple reference applications exposing CC31xx API usage - no prior Wi-Fi or networking experience required