THS4302 評価モジュール
This EVM is used for testing the THS4302. It is fully populated, ready for testing-just add power, signal source, and monitoring instruments. The gain is not configurable as the THS4302 is internally configured for a fixed gain of +5. Thus, SMA connector is only to the non-inverting input. The inverting input is grounded. The input and output are terminated with 50 ohms, but termination can be configured to meet any application requirement. This EVM is configured with a jumper to implement power-down.
- Configured with 50 ohms input/output impedance
- Power Supply: ±2.5 Vdc, or single +5Vdc
- Connectors: Vs+, GND, Vs-, In, Out, testpoints
- Input and Output signals are via SMA connectors
- Power connectors are via banana plugs
- Ferrite beads on the supply connections
高速オペアンプ (50MHz 以上のゲイン帯域幅:GBW)
= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
すべて表示 2