評価モジュール、TPS2115ADRB 用、パワー・マルチプレクサ
The TPS211xAEVM is an evaluation module for the Texas Instruments TPS211xA family of two-input, one-output power multiplexers. These multiplexers enable seamless transition between two power supplies, each operating at 2.8 V-5.5 V and delivering up to 1 A. TPS211xA EVM-061 is used for TPS211xAPW packaged parts. The TPS211xA EVM-581 is used for TPS211xADRB packaged parts and described in this user's guide which contains the EVM schematics, board layout, list of materials and configuration materials. The EVM has test points for convenient access to all critical node voltages, potentiometers for adjusting the current limit and the auto-switching voltage sense thresholds, headers for selecting the manual/auto-switching operating modes, and headers for selecting the output hold-up capacitance.