TPS61022RWU の評価モジュール
TPS61022 is an 8-A boost converter with ultra low input voltage. It features 0.5-V to 5.5-V input voltage range, 2.2-V to 5.5-V adjustable output voltage and up to 8A input current capability. It also feature special MODE pin to enable or disable the power save mode.
The TPS61022EVM-034 is the evaluation module for the TPS61022 with output voltage setting to 5-V.
- Input voltage range: 0.5 V to 5.5 V
- Output voltage setting range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V
- IOUT > 2 A at VOUT = 5 V when VIN > 1.8 V
- < 30-µA quiescent current from VOUT
- Pin selectable power save mode or forced PWM mode
AC/DC および DC/DC コンバータ (FET 内蔵)
= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
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