TPS92310 230V、フライバック LED ドライバ評価モジュール
The TPS92310-xxFB evaluation module is a constant current output LED driver supporting 5W to 8W applications. The design focuses on applications that require small form factor and minimal number of external components. The actual PCB dimension of the module is only 22 mm x 55 mm x 19 mm (L x W x H). The module can work with AC line input from 90 to 132 VRMS or 180 to 264 VRMS and supplying 350 mA current into a single string of LEDs, typically 6-7 LEDs in series. The evaluation board is carefully designed to comply with major industrial EMC and safety requirements. The user can make use of the information provided in this document, TPS92310 datasheet and application notes to design its specific end product easily.
- Application input voltage:
- -TPS92310-12FB 90VRMS-132VRMS
- -TPS92310-23FB 180VRMS-264VRMS
- Primary side Fly-back LED current regulation
- Adaptive ON-time control with inherent PFC
- Critcal-Conduction-Mode (CRM) with Zero-Current Detect (ZCD) for valley switching
- Quasi-resonant switching to benefit the EMI and efficiency
- Programmable FET Switch-On-Delay
- Constant ON-Time (COT) and Peak Current Mode (PCM)
- LED current setting with external sense resistor
照明 LED ドライバ
TPS92310-23FB/NOPB — TPS92310 230V、フライバック LED ドライバ評価モジュール
= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
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