
TPS92691-Q1 昇圧 / バッテリ昇圧 LED ドライバの評価ボード




The TPS92691EVM-752 is a fully assembled and tested LED driver that can be configured as either a boost or a boost-to-battery topology to power a single string of series-connected LEDs. Accurate closed-loop LED current regulation is achieved using a low-offset rail-to-rail current-sense amplifier along with high-side current-sensing implementation. DC LED current set point can be varied over a 15:1 ratio using the high-impedance analog adjust (IADJ) input. An integrated gate driver circuit and proprietary PWM dimming logic are incorporated to enable external series P-channel MOSFET PWM dimming with greater than 100:1 dimming ratio.

LED short-circuit failure and other cable-harness fault detection is facilitated by a current monitor output (IMON), which reports the instantaneous status of LED current measured by the rail-to-rail current-sense amplifier. The current-monitor output can be used in conjunction with microcontroller or discrete circuitry to implement a customized fault-protection scheme based on the lighting application and circuit topology.


  • Versatile LED driver capable of driving a string of 1 to 20 series connected white LEDs
  • Wide input voltage range (4.5 V to 18 V): Supports automotive start-stop and load dump transients up to 65 Vmax
  • Better than +/-3% LED current regulation at room temperature using high-side current-sense resistor 
  • Simple circuit interface to set LED current reference and PWM duty cycle
  • Instantaneous current-monitor output facilitates LED fault detection and mitigation
車載 LED ドライバ
TPS92691-Q1 車載向け、レール・ツー・レールの電流センス・アンプ搭載、マルチトポロジー LED ドライバ


照明 LED ドライバ
TPS92691 TPS92691 レール・ツー・レールの電流センス・アンプ搭載、マルチトポロジー LED ドライバ
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



TPS92691EVM-752 — TPS92691-Q1 昇圧 / バッテリ昇圧 LED ドライバの評価ボード

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種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
* EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) TPS92691 Boost and Boost-to-Battery LED Driver Evaluation Board 2016年 3月 11日
証明書 TPS92691EVM-752 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2019年 1月 2日


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