



SimpleLink MSP432P4 高精度 ADC マイコン・ソフトウェア開発


Windows Installer for SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDK

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macOS Installer for SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDK

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Linux Installer for SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDK

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Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
MSP432E401Y イーサネット、CAN、1MB フラッシュ、256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マイコン (MCU) MSP432E411Y イーサネット、CAN、TFT LCD、1MB フラッシュ、256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マイコン


SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDK Documentation


The SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDK delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments micro-controller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.


  • Please refer to the Documentation Overview for the individual release notes for details for each SDK component
  • SimpleLink Platform level changes are available in SimpleLink Core SDK Release Notes
  • This release continues to preview a new tool coming out called SysConfig which allows graphical configuration of TI’s drivers. A number of improvements have been made since the second preview version was provided in MSP432P4 SDK 2.40.00. Click here for more information.
  • SDK Change Log provides a list of all SDK component changes