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Firmware for BQ28Z610 family of gauges

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BQ28Z610-R1 Gauging Firmware (Rev. B)

MD5 체크섬
lock = 수출 승인 필요(1분)
배터리 연료 게이지
BQ28Z610 1-2 시리즈 팩용 통합 보호기를 갖춘 배터리 연료 게이지 BQ28Z610-R1 1-2 시리즈 팩용 통합 보호기를 갖춘 배터리 연료 게이지 BQ78Z100 1 시리즈~2 시리즈용 Impedance Track™ 배터리 연료(가스) 게이지
하드웨어 개발
평가 보드
BQ28Z610EVM-532 BQ28Z610 1셀~2셀 프로그래머블 배터리 관리자 평가 모듈 BQ78Z100EVM-532 bq78z100EVM 1s-2s 리튬 이온 배터리 팩 관리자 평가 모듈


BQ28Z610-R1B Technical Reference Manual(TRM)

출시 정보


The R1B version of BQ28Z610-DEVICE-FW is a firmware (FW) upgrade for the BQ78Z100 hardware. It is identical to BQ28Z610-R1. Programming the R1B firmware on BQ78Z100 hardware will effectively convert the BQ78Z100 to a BQ28Z610-R1(Rev. A). BQ28Z610-R1 is a highly integrated, accurate, 1-series to 2-series cell gas gauge with protection solution, providing autonomous charger control and cell balancing. This firmware is compatible with bq28z610-R1 hardware. Note: This firmware is not compatible with bq28z610 hardware.


  • Autonomous battery charging control, using a dedicated Main mode I²C interface
  • Cell balancing with an internal bypass to optimize battery health
  • A high-side protection N-channel FET drive enables serial bus communication during fault conditions
  • Programmable protection levels for voltage, current and temperature
  • Support for simultaneous current and voltage sampling
  • Supports battery trip point (BTP) function for Windows integration
  • SHA-1 authentication responder for increased battery pack security
  • 400-kHz I²C bus communications interface for high-speed programming and data access

새 소식

  • Identical to BQ28Z610 R1 (Rev. A)