버전 선택
TI 15-4-Stack Gateway Linux Software Development Kit
Link to TI 15.4-Stack Gateway Linux installer
Sub-1GHz 무선 MCU
하드웨어 개발
개발 키트
평가 보드
TI 15.4-Stack Linux Gateway User Guide
새 소식
- Maintenance release
출시 정보
- Developers targeting products based on TI 15.4-Stack have two architecture choices for their product development.
- First option is to have entire TI 15.4-Stack application and stack run within the SimpleLink CC13x0/CC13x2 MCU (as an embedded application) while the second option is to have the application running on a host (running Linux OS, etc) interfacing to the SimpleLink ULP CC13x0/CC13x2 MCU running the MAC Co-Processor Application. This TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK provides example Linux host applications, tools, documentation that allow to develop products using the architecture option two using a Linux host interfacing with the CC13x0/CC13x2 running MAC CoProcessor as described above.