用於浮點裝置的 DSP 數學函式庫




The Texas Instruments math library is an optimized floating-point math function library for C programmers using TI floating point devices. These routines are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed is critical. By using these routines instead of the routines found in the existing run-time-support libraries, considerably faster execution speeds can be achieved without rewriting existing code. The MATHLIB library includes all the floating-point math routines that are currently provided in the existing run-time-support libraries. These new functions can be called with the current run-time-support library names or the new names included in the math library.

The MATHLIB library includes all the floating-point math routines that are currently provided in the existing run-time-support libraries. These new functions can be called with the current run-time-support library names or the new names included in the math library.

See the benchmarks: DSP core benchmarks

  • Types of functions included:
    • Trigonometric and hyperbolic: Sin, Cos, Tan, Arctan, etc.
    • Power, exponential, and logarithmic
    • Reciprocal
    • Square root
    • Division
  • Natural C Source Code
  • Optimized C code with Intrinsics
  • Hand-coded assembly-optimized routines
  • C-callable routines, which can be inlined and are fully compatible with the TMS320C6000 compiler
  • Routines which accept single sample or vector inputs
  • Provided functions are tested against C model and existing run-time-support functions
  • Benchmarks (cycle and code size)
  • Compiled using Code Generation Tools v7.2.0
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C674X-C66X-MATHLIB C674x and C66x math library


C674X-C66X-MATHLIB C674x and C66x math library

發行日期: 2016/5/17

C66x MATHLIB MISRA Compliance

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C66x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C66x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C674x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C674x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C66x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C66x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C674x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C674x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和


MATHLIB Software Manifest

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release


This is a GA release of the Floating-Point Math Function Library (MATHLIB) for C674x/C66x processors.

MATHLIB contains optimized versions of most floating-point math routines currently provided in existing run-time-support libraries.

MATHLIB RTS override library contains floating-point math routines with same symbol names as in run-time-support library. These routines can be used to replace existing run-time-support library function calls.

The deliverables in this release include a Windows or Linux installation executable for either the C674x or C66x processors. Each executable installs a component package repository, a documentation directory, an Eclipse plugin directory and an expanded component directory structure with component libraries, header files and test examples.

Software Defects

A list of tracked software defects can be found here.

(Note: If prompted for login/password, close the window and try the link again)


C67X-MATHLIB DSP Math Library for C67x Floating Point Devices



Arm 式處理器
OMAPL137-HT 高溫低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP + Arm 處理器 - 高達 456 MHz OMAPL138B-EP 強化產品低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP + Arm9 處理器 -345 MHz
數位訊號處理器 (DSP)
DM505 適用視覺分析 15mm 封裝的 SoC SM320C6678-HIREL 高可靠性產品高效能 8 核心 C6678 定點和浮點 DSP SM320C6727B 軍用級 C6727B 浮點 DSP SM320C6727B-EP 強化型產品 C6727 浮點 DSP SMV320C6727B-SP 航太級 C6727B 浮點 DSP - 具陶瓷封裝的抗輻射 V 類 TMS320C6701 C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 167MHz、McBSP TMS320C6711D C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McBSP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6712D C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 150MHz、McBSP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6720 C67x 浮點 DSP - 200MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6722B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6726B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 266MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6727 C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McASP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6727B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 350MHz、McASP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6743 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 375MHz TMS320C6745 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 456MHz,QFP TMS320C6747 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 456MHz,PBGA

C67X-MATHLIB DSP Math Library for C67x Floating Point Devices

發行日期: 2010/10/20
Arm 式處理器
OMAPL137-HT 高溫低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP + Arm 處理器 - 高達 456 MHz OMAPL138B-EP 強化產品低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP + Arm9 處理器 -345 MHz
數位訊號處理器 (DSP)
DM505 適用視覺分析 15mm 封裝的 SoC SM320C6678-HIREL 高可靠性產品高效能 8 核心 C6678 定點和浮點 DSP SM320C6727B 軍用級 C6727B 浮點 DSP SM320C6727B-EP 強化型產品 C6727 浮點 DSP SMV320C6727B-SP 航太級 C6727B 浮點 DSP - 具陶瓷封裝的抗輻射 V 類 TMS320C6701 C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 167MHz、McBSP TMS320C6711D C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McBSP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6712D C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 150MHz、McBSP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6720 C67x 浮點 DSP - 200MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6722B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6726B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 266MHz、McASP、16 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6727 C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 250MHz、McASP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6727B C67x 浮點 DSP - 高達 350MHz、McASP、32 位元 EMIFA TMS320C6743 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 375MHz TMS320C6745 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 456MHz,QFP TMS320C6747 低功耗 C674x 浮點 DSP- 456MHz,PBGA





C674X-C66X-MATHLIB C674x and C66x math library


C674X-C66X-MATHLIB C674x and C66x math library

發行日期: 2016/5/17

C66x MATHLIB MISRA Compliance

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C66x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C66x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C674x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB for C674x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C66x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C66x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C674x Windows Installer

MD5 校驗和

MATHLIB RTS override library for C674x Linux Installer

MD5 校驗和


MATHLIB Software Manifest

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release

MATHLIB Post Production Release


This is a GA release of the Floating-Point Math Function Library (MATHLIB) for C674x/C66x processors.

MATHLIB contains optimized versions of most floating-point math routines currently provided in existing run-time-support libraries.

MATHLIB RTS override library contains floating-point math routines with same symbol names as in run-time-support library. These routines can be used to replace existing run-time-support library function calls.

The deliverables in this release include a Windows or Linux installation executable for either the C674x or C66x processors. Each executable installs a component package repository, a documentation directory, an Eclipse plugin directory and an expanded component directory structure with component libraries, header files and test examples.

Software Defects

A list of tracked software defects can be found here.

(Note: If prompted for login/password, close the window and try the link again)


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技術文章 Leveraging TI’s free libraries in your development PDF | HTML 2017/3/15


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