我們的車用 LED 驅動器可協助您打造超越汽車產業嚴格要求的創新、可靠,且符合成本效益的車用照明系統。我們豐富的高效率 LED 驅動器產品組合可延長您的照明系統設計的使痈壽命、加強保護駕駛與行人安全,並強化駕駛體驗。
汽車 LED 驅動器
Automotive SPI universal plug-in augmented connectivity for LP589x-Q1 display LED matrix driver
約略價格 (USD) 1ku | 0.551
以我們的廣泛 VIN 車用 LED 驅動器,實現最高功率密度
我們針對所有類型的汽車照明應用提供多樣性高度整合裝置產品組合。我們的裝置為您提供多種可解決平衡高系統功率輸出與小尺寸解決方案挑戰的選項。您可以使用我們的散熱增強型封裝高效率地驅動更高的電流輸出、更有效地散熱,並使用我們的單片線性和 DC/DC LED 驅動器縮小系統尺寸。
Featured products for 功率密度
適用於升壓 + 線性 LED 驅動器系統且通過 CISPR25 測試的車用尾燈參考設計
TIDA-00678 showcases an automotive LED tail light application (tail/stop, turn and reverse) by using TPS92630-Q1 linear LED driver powered by an upstream boost converter (TPS40210-Q1) which is directly supplied through a smart-reverse battery diode off the automotive battery voltage. The design (...)
汽車尾燈數位介面 LED 驅動模組參考設計
This reference design offers a cost-effective solution for automotive rear-light applications such as interactive tail-light clusters that can be used for vehicle-to-vehicle notifications and vehicle design personalization. This reference design incorporates two linear LED drivers. By using a (...)
車用 144 區局部調光背光參考設計
This local dimming backlight reference design conserves power, extends the life of liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), and enhances automotive display quality through high dynamic range (HDR) or localized dimming technology. Seven multi-channel constant-current LED drivers allow for 144-zone localized (...)