4 Revision History
Changes from Revision A (July 2019) to Revision B (August 2023)
- Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and
cross-references throughout the documentGo
- Added Safety-Related Certifications to FeaturesGo
- Added Device Key Default Settings TableGo
- Added clarification to LP pin
- Added clarification to ADCIN pin description.Go
- Added clarification to LS/LDO pin description.Go
- Changed maximum IPMID in Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Changed maximum RON(BAT-PMID) in Electrical CharacteristicsGo
- Added footnote in Electrical CharacteristicsGo
- Changed tHW_RESET_WD test conditions and MAX value from
15s to 14s in Timing RequirementsGo
- Changed tRESET_WARN parameterGo
- Changed tHW_RESET parameterGo
- Changed Input Voltage Based Dynamic Power Management (VINDPM) and Dynamic Power Path Management (DPPM)section to simplify descriptionGo
- Added more details to descriptions in ADC Operation When VIN PresentGo
- Changed Load Switch/LDO Output and Control description.Go
- Added clarification on LDO voltage programmabilityGo
- Changed tHW_RESET_WARN to tRESET_WARN in Section
- Changed VIN presence to valid VIN presence in Section
- Added clarification to TS biasing operationGo
- Changed from as well while the VIN input is valid to while the VIN
input is valid in Section 9.4.1
- Added link to BQ25155 Setup Guide toolGo
- Changed description of IBAT_OCP_ILIM 2b10 setting to "Disable" to describe correct behaviorGo
- Changed clatification to TS_EN bit functionalityGo
- Changed registers 0x42 to 0x4F from R/W-X to R-X in Section 9.5.1
- Changed
Figure 10-3
- Added TS Biasing FigureGo
- Added VINLS bypass capacitor layout guidelineGo
Changes from Revision * (June 2019) to Revision A (July 2019)
- Changed from Advance Information to Production Data Go