SLVSFW7 September 2022 TPS544C26
The Supported I2C and Default Values Table lists the implemented registers and also the default for the bit behavior and register values.
Register address | Register Name | R/W | NVM | Default Value (Hex) | Default Behavior |
01h | OPERATION | R/W | NO | 00h | OPERATION OFF |
02h | ON_OFF_CONFIG | R/W | YES | 40h | Turn ON/OFF by EN pin only |
03h | CLEAR_FAULTS | W | NO | N/A | Clear all faults |
15h | STORE_USER_ALL | W | NO | N/A | Stores all current storable register settings into NVM |
16h | RESTORE_USER_ALL | W | NO | N/A | Restores all storable register settings from NVM |
33h | FREQUENCY_SWITCH | R/W | YES | 01h | Switching frequency is set to 800 kHz |
35h | VIN_ON | R/W | YES | 03h | ON threshold is determined by both PVIN and VCC conditions. Both PVIN > 2.55 V and VCC > 3.8 V conditions have to be satisfied to enable the power conversion. |
36h | VIN_OFF | R/W | YES | 07h | OFF threshold is determined by both PVIN and VCC conditions. Either PVIN ≤ 2.3 V or VDRV ≤ 3.4 V disables the power conversion. |
40h | VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 02h | VOUT Tracking OV Fault threshold = +200 mV |
41h | VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE | R/W | YES | 00h | Latch-off after a fault |
42h | VOUT_OV_WARN_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 01h | VOUT Tracking OV Warning threshold = +150 mV |
43h | VOUT_UV_WARN_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 01h | VOUT Tracking UV Warning threshold = −150 mV |
44h | VOUT_UV_FAULT_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 02h | VOUT Tracking UV Fault threshold = −200 mV |
45h | VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE | R/W | YES | 02h | Latch-off after a fault, and the response delay before disabling the power conversion is 64 µs |
46h | IOUT_OC_FAULT_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 09h | Low-side valley current limiting threshold = 35 A |
4Fh | OT_FAULT_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 07h | Programmable OT Fault threshold = 150 °C |
50h | OT_FAULT_RESPONSE | R/W | YES | 00h | Latch-off after a fault |
51h | OT_WARN_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 06h | Programmable OT Warning threshold = 125 °C |
55h | VIN_OV_FAULT_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 01h | PVIN OV Fault threshold = 18.5 V |
60h | TON_DELAY | R/W | YES | 00h | 0.5 ms delay when a start condition is received (as programmed by the ON_OFF_CONFIG register) until the output voltage starts to rise |
61h | TON_RISE | R/W | YES | 00h | 1 ms from when the output starts to rise until the output voltage has entered the regulation band |
64h | TOFF_DELAY | R/W | YES | 00h | 0 ms from when a stop condition is received (as programmed by the ON_OFF_CONFIG register) until the unit starts the soft-stop operation |
65h | TOFF_FALL | R/W | YES | 00h | 0.5 ms from the end of the turn-off delay time until the internal reference DAC is commanded to 0 mV |
6Bh | PIN_OP_WARN_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 03h | Maximum PIN (input power) threshold = 360 W |
7Ah | STATUS_VOUT | R/W | NO | N/A | Current status |
7Bh | STATUS_IOUT | R/W | NO | N/A | Current status |
7Ch | STATUS_INPUT | R/W | NO | N/A | Current status |
7Dh | STATUS_TEMPERATURE | R/W | NO | N/A | Current status |
80h | STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC | R/W | NO | N/A | Current status |
88h | READ_VIN | R | NO | N/A | Measured input voltage on pin 4 VINSENM |
89h | READ_IIN | R | NO | N/A | Measured input current over the external sensing resistor |
8Bh | READ_VOUT | R | NO | N/A | Measured output voltage |
8Ch | READ_IOUT | R | NO | N/A | Measured output current |
8Dh | READ_TEMPERATURE_1 | R | NO | N/A | Measured Controller die temperature |
97h | READ_PIN | R | NO | N/A | Calculated input power, the product of the measured input voltage and input current |
A0h | SYS_CFG_USER1 | R/W | YES | 10h |
Operation mode under light load condition is DCM VOUT is controlled by SVID bus only Soft-stop feature is enabled VR Ready delay = 0 ms I2C address is set by pin 29 pin strap detection |
A2h | I2C_ADDR | R/W | YES | N/A |
Bit[7] = 0b, reserved for TI usage I2C address saved in NVM is 77h. However, after initial power-on, the effective I2C address shown in this field is determined by the resistor on pin 29 |
A3h | SVID_ADDR | R/W | YES | 00h | Device address for SVID communication is set to 00h |
A4h | IMON_CAL | R/W | YES | 78h |
IMON gain calibration = 0% IMON offset calibration = 0 A |
A5h | IIN_CAL | R/W | YES | 78h |
IIN gain calibration = 0% IIN offset calibration = 0 A |
A6h | VOUT_CMD | R/W | YES | ABh | Default VOUT setting saved in VOUT_CMD is 1.1V. The VOUT_CMD does not control VOUT unless VOUT_CTRL = 10b or 11b |
A7h | VID_SETTING | R | NO | N/A | After initial power-on, this register shows a value reflecting the last commanded VOUT either from SVID bus or I2C bus |
A8h | I2C_OFFSET | R/W | YES | 00h | I2C OFFSET = 0 mV |
A9h | COMP1_MAIN | R/W | YES | 4Ah |
AC Gain = 2 AC Load Line = 7 |
AAh | COMP2_MAIN | R/W | YES | 19h |
Integration gain = 2 Integration time constant = 4.25 µs Ramp Amplitude = 60 mV |
ABh | COMP1_ALT | R/W | YES | 23h | This register is not activated in the TPS544C26 device and affects nothing. |
ACh | COMP2_ALT | R/W | YES | A2h | This register is not activated in the TPS544C26 device and affects nothing. |
ADh | COMP3 | R/W | YES | 02h |
Bit[7] = 0b, reserverd for TI usage Force DCM during soft-start enable/disable bit = disabled On-time during NOC (Negative OC) operation = longer tON_NOC LOUT (output inductor value) for current sensing circuit = 100 nH DC Load Line = 0.75 mΩ |
AFh | DVS_CFG | R/W | YES | 06h | Dynamic voltage change fast slew rate configuration = 10 mV/µs |
B0h | DVID_OFFSET | R/W | YES | 00h |
DVID Up positive DAC offset = 0 mV DVID Down positive DAC offset = 0 mV |
B1h | REG_LOCK | W | YES | N/A | The user-accessible registers (not including B1h) are “write protected” and by default. User can still read back from registers |
B3h | PIN_SENSE_RES | R/W | YES | 05h | Input power sense resistor is 0.5 mΩ. This also sets the Maximum IIN to 40 A with IIN_LSB = 0.15625 A |
B4h | IOUT_NOC_LIMIT | R/W | YES | 05h |
VOUT Fixed OV Fault threshold = 1.5 V VOUT Fixed OV Fault enable/disable bit = enabled Negative OC limit = −15 A when ICC_MAX ≥ 15 A or −7.5 A when ICC_MAX < 10 A |
B5h | USER_DATA_01 | R/W | YES | 00h | Bit[7:4]: For user to store manufacturer specific information |
B6h | USER_DATA_02 | R/W | YES | 00h | Bit[7:5]: For user to store manufacturer specific information |
BAh | STATUS1_SVID | R/W | YES | N/A | A direct copy of the bits of SVID STATUS_1 register |
BBh | STATUS2_SVID | R/W | YES | N/A | A direct copy of the bits of SVID STATUS_2 register |
BCh | CAPABILITY | R | NO | FBh | A direct copy of the bits of SVID CAPABILITY register |
BDh | EXT_CAPABILITY_VIDOMAX_H | R/W | YES | 04h | A direct copy of the bits of SVID VIDOMAX_H_CAPA register |
BEh | VIDOMAX_L | R/W | YES | B6h | 9-bit VIDoMAX = 1.155 V |
C0h | ICC_MAX | R/W | YES | 05h | ICC_MAX = 30 A |
C1h | TEMP_MAX | R/W | YES | 06h | TEMP_MAX = 125 °C while controls SVID "ThermAlert" bit |
C2h | PROTOCOL_ID_SVID | R/W | YES | 63h |
PROTOCOL_ID_SVID = 07h (VR13, VOUT step 5 mV) Vboot = 1.1 V Respond to SVID All-call address both 0Eh and 0Fh |
C6h | VENDOR_ID | R | NO | 22h | SVID VENDOR_ID = 22h. This vendor ID is assigned to Texas Instruments by Intel, to identify the VR vendor. |
C8h | PRODUCT_ID | R | NO | 13h | TPS544C26 Product ID = 13h |
C9h | PRODUCT_REV_ID | R | NO | 02h | TPS544C26 current device revision = PG2.1 |