4 改訂履歴
Changes from D Revision (May 2017) to E Revision
- Changed タイトルを「DLPC2607 DLP PICO プロセッサ 2607 ASIC」から「DLPC2607 低消費電力の DLP® ディスプレイ・コントローラ」にGo
- Added ZVB Package Bottom View Go
- Changed to "Add external pullup or pulldown resistors as needed to these signals to avoid floating inputs" Go
- Changed PAD1000 to DLPA1000Go
- Changed to "Establish this setting" Go
- Changed "low a minimum" to "low to a minimum" Go
- Changed "Should be pulled up to" to "Pull up to" Go
- Added DMD INTERFACE pin descriptions Go
- Added SDRAM INTERFACE pin descriptions Go
- Changed "It should be connected" to "Connect". Go
- Changed globally "Should be left open or unconnected for typical use." to "Leave open or unconnected for typical use." Go
- Changed globally "An external pullup should not be applied to this pin..." to "Do not apply an external pullup to this pin..."Go
- Changed "Unused inputs should be pulled down" to "Pull unused inputs" Go
- Swapped all values under IOH and IOLGo
- Changed "OHand OL" to VOH and VOL to clarify meaningGo
- Changed "that should be applied" to "can safely be applied" Go
- Changed "that should be applied" to "can safely be applied" Go
- Changed "VCCIO =" to "VCCIO (V)" Go
- Changed "MAX Supported" to "Maximum Parallel Interface" Go
- Changed Changed "BT.565" to "BT.656" Go
- Added link to ITU-R BT.656 specification Go
- Changed "NOTE:" to "The table below"Go
- Deleted "Note that"Go
- Changed fclock minGo
- Changed tp_clkper min and maxGo
- Changed "should support" to "supports" Go
- Changed "Thus, those pins should be tied" to "Tie these pins" Go
- Changed "1.8-, 2.5-, or 3.3-V" to "1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V" Go
- Changed "the ASIC only supports periodic sources" to "the ASIC supports periodic sources only" Go
- Changed "multi media" to "multimedia" Go
- Changed Device Functional Modes to System Functional Modes and moved to correct position Go
- Added Reference to TSTPT_6 for Crystal nominal frequencyGo
- Changed "ASIC, and the PLL_REFCLK_O pins hould be left unconnected" to "ASIC. Leave the PLL_REFCLK_O pins unconnected" Go
- Changed "The benefit of an oscillator is that it can be made to provide a spread-spectrum clock that reduces EMI." to "An oscillator that provides a spread-spectrum clock reduces EMI."Go
- Changed "can only accept" to "accepts" Go
- Added kHz Go
- Changed several items in Table 7Go
- Changed " the ODM’s own risk" to "the risk of the ODM" Go
- Changed " Layout guidelines should be followed" to "Follow the layout guidelines" Go
- Changed "To complete DLP system . . . is requiered" to "The DLP system requires"Go
- Changed "The optical engine that has the LED packages and the DMD mounted to it is typically supplied by an optical OEM who specializes in designing optics for DLP projectors." to "An optical OEM that specializes in designing optics for DLP projectors typically supplies the optical engine that has the LED packages and the DMD mounted to it." Go
- Deleted "Note that" Go
- Changed "this allows these inputs to be driven high" to "This protection allows the device to drive these inputs high"Go
- Changed Go
- Changed "All I/O power should remain" to "Ensure that all I/O power remains" Go
- Changed "is defined" to "operates as" Go
- Changed "should alert" to "alerts"Go
- Changed "Note that the reference clock should continue to run and RESET should remain" to "The reference clock continues to run. RESET remains" Go
- Changed "At a minimum, VDD_PLL power and VSS_PLL ground pins should be isolated" to "Isolate VDD_PLL power and VSS_PLL ground pins" Go
- Changed "It is important that the quiet ground and power are treated like analog signals" to "The ground and power domains are analog signals, and should be treated as such to achieve minimum noise."Go
- Changed "The power and ground traces should be as short as possible" to "Ensure that the power and ground traces are as short as possible"Go
- Changed "and should not be expected" to "so do not expect them" Go
- Changed "they should be" to "ensure they are" Go
- Changed "should be split" to "Split the" Go
- Changed "In addition, the SPICLK trace . . . should be" to "Make the SPICLK trace"Go
- Changed "should be split" to "Split the" Go
- Changed "In addition, the SPIDOUT trace . . . should be" to "Make the SPIDOUT trace"Go
- Changed "The SPIDIN .... should be split" to "Make the SPDIN" Go
- Changed "on their way back" to "on the return" Go
- Changed "They should then share" to "Make sure they share" Go
- Changed "Variation from these recommendations may also work, but should be confirmed with PCB signal integrity analysis or lab measurements" to "Make sure to confirm any variation from these recommendations with PCB signal integrity analysis or lab measurements" Go
- Changed PCB Design table to itemized list Go
- Changed "should take" to "takes" Go
- Changed "should take" to "takes" Go
- Changed "should" to "must" Go
- Changed "The pair should also be terminated" to "Terminate the pair" Go
- Changed "Specifically ... should be terminated" to "Terminate" Go
- Changed "Specifically ... should be terminated" to "Terminate" Go
- Changed "kept" to "maintained to a length of" Go
- Changed "should" to "does" Go
Changes from C Revision (November 2015) to D Revision
- Removed table 'Compatible SPI Serial Flash Devices' from Serial Flash Interface since listed devices are end of life. Replaced with new suggested devices as well as Table 4 which lists minimum performance specifications to determine flash device compatibilityGo
- MSLピーク温度をパッケージ情報に追加Go
Changes from B Revision (January 2014) to C Revision
- 「ESD定格」の表、「熱に関する情報」の表、「機能説明」セクション、「デバイスの機能モード」、「アプリケーションと実装」セクション、「電源に関する推奨事項」セクション、「レイアウト」セクション、「デバイスおよびドキュメントのサポート」セクション、「メカニカル、パッケージ、および注文情報」セクションを追加Go
Changes from A Revision (December 2013) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (December 2013) to A Revision
- Corrected columns for IOH and IOL in I/O CharacteristicsGo
- Updated B38 I/O Type value for VOH (min) in I/O CharacteristicsGo
- Added additional table notes to I/O CharacteristicsGo
- Added table note to Internal Pullup and Pulldown CharacteristicsGo
- Corrected device reference to DLPC2607 in the notes for mDDR Memory Interface Timing RequirementsGo