JAJSI34H February 2019 – June 2024 LM63615-Q1 , LM63625-Q1
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LM636x5-Q1 レギュレータは、堅牢な車載アプリケーション向けに設計された使いやすい同期整流降圧型 DC/DC コンバータです。LM636x5-Q1 は、最大 36V32V の入力から、最大 の負荷電流を駆動できます。このコンバータは、高い軽負荷時効率と出力精度を小さなデザイン サイズで実現しています。RESET フラグや高精度イネーブルなどの機能を使用すると、幅広いアプリケーションに対して柔軟で使いやすいソリューションを実現できます。軽負荷時には自動的に周波数フォールドバック モードになるため、負荷を厳密に制御しながら効率を上げることができます。高度な統合により、多くの外付け部品が不要で、PCB レイアウトが単純になるようにピン配置が設計されています。保護機能として、サーマル シャットダウン、入力低電圧誤動作防止、サイクル単位の電流制限、ヒカップ短絡保護機能が搭載されています。LM636x5-Q1は、PowerPAD™ 付き HTSSOP 16 ピン パワー パッケージ、および WSON 12 ピン パワー パッケージで供給されます。
部品番号 (3) | パッケージ (1) | パッケージ サイズ(2) |
LM63615-Q1、LM63625-Q1 | PWP (HTSSOP、16) | 5.00mm × 6.4mm |
DRR (WSON、12) | 3.00mm × 3.00mm |
LM63615DQPWPRQ1 | PWP0016D (HTSSOP) | 1.5 A | Adjustable with RT resistor RT = GND; fSW = 2.1 MHz RT = VCC; fSW = 400 kHz |
VSEL = VCC, VOUT = 5 V, VSEL = GND, VOUT = 3.3, V VSEL = RSEL_ADJ, VOUT = adjustable with external FB resistors |
5.00 mm × 4.00 mm |
LM63625DQPWPRQ1 | 2.5 A | ||||
LM63615DQDRRRQ1 | DRR0012 (WSON) | 1.5 A | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm | ||
LM63625DQDRRRQ1 | 2.5 A | ||||
LM63615CAQDRRRQ1 | 1.5 A | Fixed 2.1 MHz | Adjustable VOUT with external FB resistors |
LM63625CAQDRRRQ1 | 2.5 A |
TSSOP LM636x5D |
WSON LM636x5D | WSON LM636x5C | NAME | TYPE | |
1, 2 | 1 | 1 | SW | P | Regulator switch node. Connect to power inductor. |
3 | 2 | 2 | CBOOT | P | Bootstrap supply voltage for internal high-side driver. Connect a high-quality, 220-nF capacitor from this pin to the SW pin. |
4 | 3 | 4 | VCC | A | Internal 5-V LDO output. Used as supply to internal control circuits. Do not connect to external loads. Can be used as logic supply for regulator functions. Connect a high-quality, 1-µF capacitor from this pin to PGND. |
5 | 4 | - | RT | A | Frequency programming input. Tie to VCC for 400 kHz or to AGND for 2.1 MHz or connect to an RT timing resistor. See Section 7.3.3 for details. Do not float. |
6 | 5 | - | VSEL | A | Output voltage select input. Tie to VCC for 5-V output or to AGND for 3.3-V output; connect to a 10-kΩ for an adjustable output. See Section 7.3.2 for details. Do not float. |
7 | 6 | 5 | SYNC/MODE | A | Mode selection and synchronization input. Tie to VCC for FPWM mode, AGND for AUTO mode, or supply an external synchronizing clock to this input. |
8 | 7 | 6 | RESET | A | Open-drain power-good flag output. Connect to suitable voltage supply through a current limiting resistor. High = power OK, low = power bad. Flag pulls low when EN = Low. Can be open when not used. |
9 | 8 | 7 | FB | A | Feedback input to regulator. Connect to output capacitor for 5-V or 3.3-V fixed option or tap point of the feedback voltage divider for ADJ option. Do not float; do not ground. |
10 | 9 | 9 | AGND | G | Analog ground for regulator and system. Ground reference for internal references and logic. All electrical parameters are measured with respect to this pin. Connect to system ground on PCB. |
11 | 10 | 10 | EN | A | Enable input to regulator. High = ON, Low = OFF. Can be connected directly to VIN. Do not float. |
12, 13 | 12 | 12 | VIN | P | Input supply to regulator. Connect a high-quality bypass capacitors directly to this pin and PGND. |
14 | 11 | 3, 8, 11 | NC | — | No internal connection to device |
15, 16 | 13 | 13 | PGND | G | Power ground terminal. Connect to system ground and AGND. Connect to bypass capacitor with short wide traces. |
17 | 13 | 13 | DAP | G | Electrical ground and heat sink connection. Solder directly to system ground plane. |
A = Analog, P = Power, G = Ground |
VIN to PGND (HTSSOP package) | –0.3 | 40 | V | |
VIN to PGND (WSON package) | –0.3 | 42 | V | |
EN to AGND (HTSSOP package) | –0.3 | 40 | V | |
EN to AGND (WSON package) | –0.3 | 42 | V | |
SYNC/MODE to AGND | –0.3 | 6 | V | |
VOUT_SEL and RT to AGND | –0.3 | 5.5 | V | |
RESET to AGND | –0.3 | 16 | V | |
FB to AGND (Fixed VOUT mode) | –0.3 | 16 | V | |
FB to AGND (Adjustable VOUT mode) | –0.3 | 5.5 | V | |
AGND to PGND | –0.3 | 0.3 | V | |
SW to PGND for transients of less than 10 ns (HTSSOP package) | –6 | 40 | V | |
SW to PGND for transients of less than 10 ns (WSON package) | –6 | 42 | V | |
BOOT to SW | –0.3 | 5.5 | V | |
VCC to AGND | –0.3 | 5.5 | V | |
TJ | Junction temperature | –40 | 150 | °C |
Tstg | Storage temperature | –65 | 150 | °C |