JAJSE38G November 2017 – December 2024 TCAN1043-Q1 , TCAN1043G-Q1 , TCAN1043H-Q1 , TCAN1043HG-Q1
This flag is an internal and external flag that is set high or low after a valid local wake up (LWU) request occurs, or a valid remote wake request occurs. This flag is only available in Normal mode before four recessive to dominant transitions occur on TXD. If the nFAULT pin is high after entering normal mode, this indicates that a remote wake request was received. If the nFAULT output is low after entering Normal mode, this indicates that a local wake up event occurred. Upon power up on VSUP, or after and under voltage event on VSUP, the local wake up request is indicated on nFAULT.