JAJSE38G November 2017 – December 2024 TCAN1043-Q1 , TCAN1043G-Q1 , TCAN1043H-Q1 , TCAN1043HG-Q1
The inhibit output terminal is used to control system power management devices allowing for extremely low system current consumption in sleep mode. This terminal can be used to enable and disable local power supplies. The pin has two states: driven high and high impedance (High Z).
When high (on), the terminal shows VSUP minus a diode voltage drop. In the high impedance state, the output is left floating. The INH pin is high for normal, silent, Go-to-Sleep, and standby modes. INH is low when in sleep mode.
This terminal is considered a “high voltage logic” terminal, not a power output. Thus, can be used to drive the EN terminal of the system power management device and not used as a switch for the power management supply. This terminal is not reverse battery protected and can not be connected outside the system module.