4 改訂履歴
Changes from B Revision (November 2016) to C Revision
- Added UL 2367 認定済み – ファイル番号E339631 を「特長」セクションにGo
Changes from A Revision (September 2015) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (October 2013) to A Revision
- 「ESD 定格」表、「詳細説明」、「機能説明」、「デバイスの機能モード」、「アプリケーションと実装」、「電源に関する推奨事項」、「デバイスおよびドキュメントのサポート」、「メカニカル、パッケージ、および注文情報」を追加Go
- 「特長」の「FET 短絡検出 (TPS24752、TPS24753)」を削除 Go
- アプリケーション回路図を変更。CVIN および D1 を削除Go
- Deleted devices TPS24752 and TPS24753 from the data sheetGo
- Deleted list item from the Overview section: "Internal MOSFET short detection (TPS24752/3 only)"Go
- Removed notes for pin 30 and 31 from the Functional Block DiagramGo
- Deleted section Fault Detection of Internal Mosfet ShortGo
- Changed Figure 40. Deleted CVIN and D1Go
- Changed text in STEP 3. Choose Output Voltage Rising Time, tON, and Timing Capacitor CT From: "maximum steady state junction temperature (TJDMAX = TA(MAX) + ILIM2 x R(DS)ON)." To: " maximum steady state junction temperature (TJDMAX = TA(MAX) + ILIM2 x R(DS)ON x RθJA)."Go
- Changed Figure 46 and Figure 47. Deleted CVIN and D1Go
- Added text and Figure 48 to System ExamplesGo
- Changed Figure 51Go
- Added Figure 52Go