13 Revision History
Changes from Revision F (February 2024) to Revision G (November 2024)
- 「特長」セクションをデバイスの特性を反映するように更新Go
- CMTI を 100V/ns 超から 125V/ns 超に変更Go
- 最大伝搬遅延を 40ns から標準値 33ns に変更Go
- 最大遅延マッチングの箇条書き項目を削除Go
- 最大パルス幅歪みを 5.5ns から 5ns に変更Go
- 最大 VDD 電源オン遅延を 35μs から 10μs に変更Go
- 最大 VDD 出力駆動電源を 18V から 25V に変更Go
- 動作温度範囲を接合部温度範囲に変更Go
- 5ns より短い入力パルスを除去するという箇条書き項目を削除Go
- 認定を最新の標準に更新Go
- CMTI を 100V/ns 超から 125V/ns 超に変更Go
- 入力が短い過渡電圧を除去し、入出力が電圧スパイクに耐えるという文を削除Go
- アクティブ プルダウンを 2.1V (最大値) から 2V (最大値) 変更Go
- Changed 5V UVLO recommended VDD supply minimum from 6V to
- Changed DIS pin description; leaving DIS pin open would disable the
- Changed VDDA-VSSA and VDDB-VSSB absmax from 20V to
- Changed all -0.5V minimum to -0.3V to keep consistent with newly
released datasheetsGo
- Changed all absolute maximum value from supply+0.5V to supply+0.3V
to keep consistent with newly released datasheetsGo
- Deleted input signal voltage transient specGo
- Updated ESD spec from HBM = ±4000 and CDM = ±1500 to HBM = ±2000 and
CDM = ±1000 to match ESD industry standardsGo
- Changed VDDA-VSSA and VDDB-VSSB recommended max from 18V to
- Changed 5V-UVLO recommended minimum VDDA/B voltage from 6V to
- Deleted ambient temperature specGo
- Changed junction temperature max from 130°C to
- Updated thermal values from RθJA = 68.5°C/W, RθJC(top) = 30.5°C/W,
RθJB = 22.8°C/W, ψJT = 17.1°C/W, ψJB = 22.5°C/W to RθJA = 80.2°C/W, RθJC(top) =
36.6°C/W, RθJB = 45°C/W, ψJT = 28°C/W, ψJB = 44.3°C/WGo
- Updated values from PD = 1825mW, PDI = 15mW, PDA/PDB = 905mW to PD = 950mW,
PDI = 50mW, PDA/PDB = 450mW. Changed test conditions. Go
- Updated DIN EN IEC to the latest standard, updated insulation
voltage valuesGo
- Updated barrier capacitance valueGo
- Deleted safety-related certifications section, certification
- Changed IS testing condition. Changed IS value from 75mA (with
VDDA/B=12V) to 50mA (with VDDA/B=15V) and 30mA (with VDDA/B=25V). Go
- Updated safety-limiting values from PS = 15mW/905mW/905mW/1825mW to
PS = 50mW/750mW/750mW/1550mW Go
- Updated IVCCI quiescent current spec Typ value from 1.5mA to
- Updated IVDDA/IVDDB quiescent current spec Typ from 1.0mA to 1.2mA
and Max value from 1.8mA to 2.0mAGo
- Updated IVCCI operating current Typ value from 2.5mA to 2.7mA and
added Max value 3.2mAGo
- Updated IVDDA/IVDDB operating current Typ value from 2.5mA to 2.7mA
and added Max value 4.4mA. Deleted Cload from test condition. Go
- Updated values from Rising threshold Min = 5.0V, Typ = 5.5V, Max =
5.9V to Min = 5.7V, Typ = 6.0V, Max = 6.3V Go
- Updated values from Falling threshold Min = 4.7V, Typ = 5.2V, Max =
5.6V to Min = 5.4V, Typ = 5.7V, Max = 6.0V Go
- Updated values from Rising threshold Min = 8V, Typ = 8.5V, Max = 9V
to Min = 7.7V, Typ = 8.5V, Max = 8.9V Go
- Updated values from Falling threshold Min = 7.5V, Typ = 8V, Max =
8.5V to Min = 7.2V, Typ = 7.9V, Max = 8.4V Go
- Updated 8-V UVLO hysteresis typ = 0.5V to 0.6VGo
- Updated Input high threshold Typ = 1.8V, Max = 2V to Typ = 2V, Max =
2.3V. Deleted Min specGo
- Deleted Input low threshold voltage Max specGo
- Updated Input threshold hysteresis Typ = 0.8V to Typ =
- Updated peak current test condition to 0.22uF load capacitance.
Changed peak output source current directionGo
- Updated output resistance test condition from ±10mA to
- Deleted output voltage at high/low state specsGo
- Updated active pull-down Typ = 1.75V, Max = 2.1V to Typ = 1.6V, Max
= 2VGo
- Changed output rise time Typ from 5ns to 8ns. Deleted Max
- Changed output fall time Typ from 6ns to 8ns. Deleted Max
- Changed minimum pulse width from Typ = 10ns, Max = 20ns to Min =
4ns, Typ = 12ns, Max = 30nsGo
- Changed propagation delay TPDHL and TPDLH from Typ=28ns, Max = 40ns
to Min = 26ns, Typ = 33ns, Max = 45nsGo
- Changed pulse width distortion max from 5.5ns to
- Changed propagation delay matching from Max = 5ns to Max = 6.5ns
from TJ = -40C to -10C and Max = 5ns from TJ = -10C to 150CGo
- Changed VCCI power-up delay from Typ = 40us, Max = 59us to Min =
18us, Typ = 42us, Max = 80usGo
- Deleted VDD power up delay Typ 22us and changed Max from 35us to
- Updated CMTI from Min = 100V/ns to 125V/nsGo
- Updated thermal curves to match updated
- Updated typical char plots to show device characteristics Go
- Deleted language on deglitch filter. Changed minimum pulse width
from typical 10ns to 12nsGo
- Updated UVLO delay to match new specsGo
- Updated functional block diagram to reflect device
- Changed logic table; leaving DIS pin open disables the
- Updated input stage section to match new specsGo
- Added paragraph on minimum pulse width to Output Stage
- Updated ESD structure diagram to reflect device
- Updated device operation mode when DIS is floating. Added
recommendation of bypass capacitorGo
- Changed maximum VDDA/VDDB from 18V to 25VGo
Changes from Revision E (May 2019) to Revision F (February 2024)
- Changed CTI and Material Group values in insulation specifications
and added table noteGo
Changes from Revision D (December 2018) to Revision E (May 2019)
- 「特長」、「アプリケーション」、「概要」セクションを変更Go
- 「機能図」から「代表的なアプリケーション」に変更Go
- Added maximum VCCI Power-up Delay Time: UVLO Rise to OUTA,
- Added maximum VDDA, VDDB Power-up Delay Time: UVLO Rise to OUTA,
Changes from Revision C (August 2018) to Revision D (December 2018)
- UCC21220A のマーケティング ステータスを製品プレビューから初期リリースに変更。Go