JAJSG67F September 2018 – March 2024 TPS7H2201-SEP , TPS7H2201-SP
The undervoltage lockout set point is configured using the resistor divider, REN_TOP and REN_BOT connected to the EN pin. Set the REN_TOP = 100 kΩ and, using Equation 1, calculate the value for REN_BOT. For an UVLO = 3.5 V, REN_BOT = 15.5 kΩ. When choosing the UVLO set point, the resistor divider must ensure that the device will still get enabled for the VIN used in the application. This is achieved by making sure that the VIHEN requirement is still met with the chosen resistor divider and that the VIN needed to meet the requirement is smaller than the VIN used in the application. Equation 13 shows this VIN and VIHEN requirement to set the UVLO point. For this particular application, the requirement is met as the result is 4.84 V.