SBAA583 july 2023 PCM1820 , PCM1820-Q1 , PCM1821 , PCM1821-Q1 , PCM1822 , PCM1822-Q1 , PCM3120-Q1 , PCM5120-Q1 , PCM6120-Q1 , TLV320ADC3120 , TLV320ADC5120 , TLV320ADC6120
Use the below arrangement in Figure 4-16. Vin is a +-50 V waveform. This arrangement uses mic bias to create the 1.375 V which determines the common mode at the input of the ADC.
Operate the OP AMP with a +- 3.3V dual supply.
Op amp A3 creates -1.375 V at the output and at INxP, creating a current of 1.375/20 kΩ into the input pin of A3. This creates a DC Level of 1.375 V on the output of A3. The output of A2 is also biased at 1.375 V.
A 50-V positive signal brings the INxP point from 1.375 V to 0 V. As shown in the equations below a R of 720 KΩ is used with a +-50 V input signal.